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A characterization of value efficiency.

Alfonso Mateos, Sixto Ríos-Insua (1996)

Extracta Mathematicae

An important issue in multi-attribute decision making consists of identifying the set of efficient solutions. The importance of this set is that the decision maker (DM) can restrict his attention to it, discarding all other solutions, because a nonefficient solution can never be optimal. Several methods have been developed to aid a DM in generating all or representative subsets of efficient solutions, [1] and [4], or to approximate it [7]. However most of these methods may be hard to apply to nonlinear...

A discrete-time approximation technique for the time-cost trade-off in PERT networks

Amir Azaron, Masatoshi Sakawa, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Nima Safaei (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We develop a discrete-time approximation technique dealing with the time-cost trade-off problem in PERT networks. It is assumed that the activity durations are independent random variables with generalized Erlang distributions, in which the mean duration of each activity is a non-increasing function of the amount of resource allocated to it. It is also assumed that the amount of resource allocated to each activity is controllable. Then, we construct an optimal control problem with three conflicting...

A dual approach in fuzzy linear programming.

José M. Cadenas, Fernando Jiménez (1996)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper, we propose a relationship of fuzzy duality. We use the Decomposition Theorem and some properties about Linear Programming with interval coefficients to define this relationship. Thus, a linear programming problem with fuzzy costs represented by membership functions L-R can be solved by means of two dual problems (linear programming problems with fuzzy constraints). Moreover, these results can be applied to multiobjective problems whose coefficients of the objective function are fuzzy...

A Generalization of Dynamic Programming for Pareto Optimization in Dynamic Networks

Teodros Getachew, Michael Kostreva, Laura Lancaster (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The Algorithm in this paper is designed to find the shortest path in a network given time-dependent cost functions. It has the following features: it is recursive; it takes place bath in a backward dynamic programming phase and in a forward evaluation phase; it does not need a time-grid such as in Cook and Halsey and Kostreva and Wiecek's "Algorithm One”; it requires only boundedness (above and below) of the cost functions; it reduces to backward multi-objective dynamic programming if there are...

A hybrid approach for scheduling transportation networks

Mahjoub Dridi, Imed Kacem (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, we consider a regulation problem of an urban transportation network. From a given timetable, we aim to find a new schedule of multiple vehicles after the detection of a disturbance at a given time. The main objective is to find a solution maximizing the level of service for all passengers. This problem was intensively studied with evolutionary approaches and multi-agent techniques, but without identifying its type before. In this paper, we formulate the problem as a classical one...

A method of multiobjective decision making using a vector value function.

Sixto Ríos-Insua, Jacinto González Pachón, Alfonso Mateos (1994)


A decision situation with partial information on preferences by means of a vector value function is assumed. The concept of minimum value dispersion solution as a reference point joined with a pseudodistance function from such a point and a dispersion level ε, lead to the notion of ε-dispersion set. The dispersion level represents the amount of value that the decision maker can be indifferent to, therefore he should choose his most preferred solution in this set. Convergence properties, as well...

A multivariable multiobjective predictive controller

Faten Ben Aicha, Faouzi Bouani, Mekki Ksouri (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Predictive control of MIMO processes is a challenging problem which requires the specification of a large number of tuning parameters (the prediction horizon, the control horizon and the cost weighting factor). In this context, the present paper compares two strategies to design a supervisor of the Multivariable Generalized Predictive Controller (MGPC), based on multiobjective optimization. Thus, the purpose of this work is the automatic adjustment of the MGPC synthesis by simultaneously minimizing...

A note on Minty type vector variational inequalities

Giovanni P. Crespi, Ivan Ginchev, Matteo Rocca (2005)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The existence of solutions to a scalar Minty variational inequality of differential type is usually related to monotonicity property of the primitive function. On the other hand, solutions of the variational inequality are global minimizers for the primitive function. The present paper generalizes these results to vector variational inequalities putting the Increasing Along Rays (IAR) property into the center of the discussion. To achieve that infinite elements in the image space Y are introduced....

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