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Efficient and local efficient solutions for assignment type problems

Jacques A. Ferland, Pina Marziliano (2001)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

In this paper, we analyse the multiobjective problem generated by applying a goal programming approach to deal with linear assignment type problem. We specify sufficient conditions for a solution to be efficient for this problem. The notion of efficiency with respect to a neighborhood is also introduced and characterized through sufficient conditions. Unfortunately, these conditions are not necessary in general.

Efficient and Local Efficient Solutions for Assignment Type Problems

Jacques A. Ferland, Pina Marziliano (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, we analyse the multiobjective problem generated by applying a goal programming approach to deal with linear assignment type problem. We specify sufficient conditions for a solution to be efficient for this problem. The notion of efficiency with respect to a neighborhood is also introduced and characterized through sufficient conditions. Unfortunately, these conditions are not necessary in general.

El conjunto eficiente en problemas de localización con normas mixtas (Lp).

Emilio J. Carrizosa Priego, Francisco Ramón Fernández García (1991)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

En el presente trabajo establecemos una nueva aproximación a la solución del problema de localización con normas mixtas a través de las direcciones de proyección.Probamos que el cierre octogonal de los puntos de demanda es una buena aproximación para el conjunto de puntos eficientes cuando el problema está formulado como un problema multiobjetivo con normas mixtas tipo lp. Demostramos que esta cota es alcanzable, dando condiciones para que ello ocurra, lo que es de gran importancia para el caso...

Enumerating the Set of Non-dominated Vectors in Multiple Objective Integer Linear Programming

John Sylva, Alejandro Crema (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

An algorithm for enumerating all nondominated vectors of multiple objective integer linear programs is presented. The method tests different regions where candidates can be found using an auxiliary binary problem for tracking the regions already explored. An experimental comparision with our previous efforts shows the method has relatively good time performance.

Exact l 1 penalty function for nonsmooth multiobjective interval-valued problems

Julie Khatri, Ashish Kumar Prasad (2024)


Our objective in this article is to explore the idea of an unconstrained problem using the exact l 1 penalty function for the nonsmooth multiobjective interval-valued problem (MIVP) having inequality and equality constraints. First of all, we figure out the KKT-type optimality conditions for the problem (MIVP). Next, we establish the equivalence between the set of weak LU-efficient solutions to the problem (MIVP) and the penalized problem (MIVP ρ ) with the exact l 1 penalty function. The utility of...

Existence of minimizers and necessary conditions in set-valued optimization with equilibrium constraints

Truong Q. Bao, Boris S. Mordukhovich (2007)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we study set-valued optimization problems with equilibrium constraints (SOPECs) described by parametric generalized equations in the form 0 G ( x ) + Q ( x ) , where both G and Q are set-valued mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces. Such models particularly arise from certain optimization-related problems governed by set-valued variational inequalities and first-order optimality conditions in nondifferentiable programming. We establish general results on the existence of optimal solutions under...

Extended VIKOR as a new method for solving Multiple Objective Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming problems

Majeed Heydari, Mohammad Kazem Sayadi, Kamran Shahanaghi (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The VIKOR method was introduced as a Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method to solve discrete decision-making problems with incommensurable and conflicting criteria. This method focuses on ranking and selecting from a set of alternatives based on the particular measure of “closeness” to the “ideal” solution. The multi-criteria measure for compromise ranking is developed from the l–p metric used as an aggregating function in a compromise programming method. In this paper, the VIKOR method...

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