Far from equilibrium computation and particle swarm optimization.
The problem of minimizing the maximum edge congestion in a multicast communication network generalizes the well-known -hard multicommodity flow problem. We give the presently best theoretical approximation results as well as efficient implementations. In particular we show that for a network with edges and multicast requests, an -approximation can be computed in time, where bounds the time for computing an -approximate minimum Steiner tree. Moreover, we present a new fast heuristic that...
The problem of minimizing the maximum edge congestion in a multicast communication network generalizes the well-known NP-hard multicommodity flow problem. We give the presently best theoretical approximation results as well as efficient implementations. In particular we show that for a network with m edges and k multicast requests, an r(1 + ε)(rOPT + exp(1)lnm)-approximation can be computed in O(kmε-2lnklnm) time, where β bounds the time for computing an r-approximate minimum Steiner tree. Moreover,...
The problem of utilizing facet reflections to bring a point outside of a convex polytope to inside has not been studied explicitly in the literature. Here we introduce two algorithms that complete the task in finite iterations. The first algorithm generates multiple solutions on the plane, and can be readily utilized in creating games on a plane or as a level generation method for video games. The second algorithm is a new efficient way to bring infeasible starting points of an optimization problem...
Nous modélisons ici plusieurs problèmes de Transport et de Gestion de Flux à l’aide d’un flot entier et d’un multiflot fractionnaire couplés par une contrainte de capacité. Pour le problème ainsi obtenu, nous proposons différents schémas de résolution par relaxation et décomposition, qui induisent la recherche d’un flot auxiliaire dont la partie entière supérieure doit minimiser un certain coût, et qui requièrent la mise en œuvre d’un processus d’agrégation. Nous en déduisons diverses heuristiques...
Nous modélisons ici plusieurs problèmes de Transport et de Gestion de Flux à l'aide d'un flot entier et d'un multiflot fractionnaire couplés par une contrainte de capacité. Pour le problème ainsi obtenu, nous proposons différents schémas de résolution par relaxation et décomposition, qui induisent la recherche d'un flot auxiliaire dont la partie entière supérieure doit minimiser un certain coût, et qui requièrent la mise en œuvre d'un processus d'agrégation. Nous en déduisons diverses heuristiques...
In this paper, we describe the methodology used to tackle France Telecom workforce scheduling problem (the subject of the Roadef Challenge 2007) and we report the results obtained on the different data sets provided for the competition. Since the problem at hand appears to be NP-hard and due to the high dimensions of the instance sets, we use a two-step heuristical approach. We first devise a problem-tailored heuristic that provides good feasible solutions and then we use a meta-heuristic scheme...
This paper shows how the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm provides a simple tool for solving fuzzy optimization problems. Often, the issue is not so much how to fuzzify or remove the conceptual imprecision, but which tools enable simple solutions for these intrinsically uncertain problems. A well-known linear programming example is used to discuss the suitability of the SA algorithm for solving fuzzy optimization problems.