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Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for computing graph treewidth

François Clautiaux, Aziz Moukrim, Stéphane Nègre, Jacques Carlier (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The notion of treewidth is of considerable interest in relation to NP-hard problems. Indeed, several studies have shown that the tree-decomposition method can be used to solve many basic optimization problems in polynomial time when treewidth is bounded, even if, for arbitrary graphs, computing the treewidth is NP-hard. Several papers present heuristics with computational experiments. For many graphs the discrepancy between the heuristic results and the best lower bounds is still very large. The...

Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for computing graph treewidth

François Clautiaux, Aziz Moukrim, Stéphane Nègre, Jacques Carlier (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The notion of treewidth is of considerable interest in relation to NP-hard problems. Indeed, several studies have shown that the tree-decomposition method can be used to solve many basic optimization problems in polynomial time when treewidth is bounded, even if, for arbitrary graphs, computing the treewidth is NP-hard. Several papers present heuristics with computational experiments. For many graphs the discrepancy between the heuristic results and the best lower bounds is still very large....

Heurísticas, planos secantes y optimización subgradiente para problemas de Set Partitioning.

Jaume Barceló, E. Fernández (1988)


En este artículo se estudian los problemas de Set Partitioning (SP) desde una perspectiva algorítmica. El diseño de un procedimiento heurístico permite no sólo disponer de soluciones posibles para los mismos, sino también obtener desigualdades válidas que sean violadas por las soluciones posibles a partir de las que se obtienen. La incorporación a los problemas originales de las desigualdades válidas obtenidas proporcionan unos problemas ampliados (SPA) para los que también se propone un procedimiento...

Heuristiques pour le Problème du Vendeur m-Péripatétique

Éric Duchenne, Gilbert Laporte, Frédéric Semet (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Le Problème du Vendeur m-Péripatétique (m-PVP) est défini sur un graphe non orienté G=(V,E) où V = {1,...,n} est l'ensemble des sommets, E = {(i,j) : i,j ∈ V,i < j} est l'ensemble des arêtes et (cij) est une matrice de coûts définie sur E. Le m-PVP consiste à déterminer m cycles hamiltoniens sur G n'ayant aucune arête en commun et dont le coût total est minimal. Cet article décrit sept nouvelles heuristiques pour le m-PVP et les compare à celle qui a été proposée par Krarup en 1975.

Hybrid flow-shop with adjustment

Jan Pelikán (2011)


The subject of this paper is a flow-shop based on a case study aimed at the optimisation of ordering production jobs in mechanical engineering, in order to minimize the overall processing time, the makespan. The production jobs are processed by machines, and each job is assigned to a certain machine for technological reasons. Before processing a job, the machine has to be adjusted; there is only one adjuster who adjusts all of the machines. This problem is treated as a hybrid two-stage flow-shop:...

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