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Greedy algorithms for optimal computing of matrix chain products involving square dense and triangular matrices

Faouzi Ben Charrada, Sana Ezouaoui, Zaher Mahjoub (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper addresses a combinatorial optimization problem (COP), namely a variant of the (standard) matrix chain product (MCP) problem where the matrices are square and either dense (i.e. full) or lower/upper triangular. Given a matrix chain of length n, we first present a dynamic programming algorithm (DPA) adapted from the well known standard algorithm and having the same O(n3) complexity. We then design and analyse two optimal O(n) greedy algorithms leading in general to different optimal solutions...

Greedy algorithms for optimal computing of matrix chain products involving square dense and triangular matrices

Faouzi Ben Charrada, Sana Ezouaoui, Zaher Mahjoub (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper addresses a combinatorial optimization problem (COP), namely a variant of the (standard) matrix chain product (MCP) problem where the matrices are square and either dense (i.e. full) or lower/upper triangular. Given a matrix chain of length n, we first present a dynamic programming algorithm (DPA) adapted from the well known standard algorithm and having the same O(n3) complexity. We then design and analyse two optimal O(n) greedy algorithms leading in general to different optimal solutions...

G-Réseaux dans un environnement aléatoire

Jean-Michel Fourneau, Dominique Verchère (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We study networks with positive and negative customers (or Generalized networks of queues and signals) in a random environment. This environment may change the arrival rates, the routing probabilities, the service rates and also the effect of signals. We prove that the steady-state distribution has a product form. This property is obtained as a corollary of a much more general result on multidimensional Markov chains.

Growth rates and average optimality in risk-sensitive Markov decision chains

Karel Sladký (2008)


In this note we focus attention on characterizations of policies maximizing growth rate of expected utility, along with average of the associated certainty equivalent, in risk-sensitive Markov decision chains with finite state and action spaces. In contrast to the existing literature the problem is handled by methods of stochastic dynamic programming on condition that the transition probabilities are replaced by general nonnegative matrices. Using the block-triangular decomposition of a collection...

GTES : une méthode de simulation par jeux et apprentissage pour l'analyse des systèmes d'acteurs

Y. Caseau (2009)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Cet article décrit une approche de la modélisation d'un système d'acteurs, particulièrement adaptée à la modélisation des entreprises, fondée sur la théorie des jeux [11] et sur l'optimisation par apprentissage du comportement de ces acteurs. Cette méthode repose sur la combinaison de trois techniques : la simulation par échantillonnage (Monte-Carlo), la théorie des jeux pour ce qui concerne la recherche d'équilibre entre les stratégies, et les méthodes heuristiques d'optimisation locale,...

Guaranteed and computable bounds of the limit load for variational problems with linear growth energy functionals

Jaroslav Haslinger, Sergey Repin, Stanislav Sysala (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper is concerned with guaranteed and computable bounds of the limit (or safety) load, which is one of the most important quantitative characteristics of mathematical models associated with linear growth functionals. We suggest a new method for getting such bounds and illustrate its performance. First, the main ideas are demonstrated with the paradigm of a simple variational problem with a linear growth functional defined on a set of scalar valued functions. Then, the method is extended to...

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