Global classical solutions in a self-consistent chemotaxis(-Navier)-Stokes system
The self-consistent chemotaxis-fluid system is considered under no-flux boundary conditions for and the Dirichlet boundary condition for on a bounded smooth domain
The self-consistent chemotaxis-fluid system is considered under no-flux boundary conditions for and the Dirichlet boundary condition for on a bounded smooth domain
A model of chemotaxis is analyzed that prevents blow-up of solutions. The model consists of a system of nonlinear partial differential equations for the spatial population density of a species and the spatial concentration of a chemoattractant in n-dimensional space. We prove the existence of solutions, which exist globally, and are L∞-bounded on finite time intervals. The hypotheses require nonlocal conditions on the species-induced production of the chemoattractant.
In this paper we consider a model of chemorepulsion. We prove global existence and uniqueness of smooth classical solutions in space dimension n = 2. For n = 3,4 we prove the global existence of weak solutions. The convergence to steady states is shown in all cases.
A system of quasilinear parabolic equations modelling chemotaxis and taking into account the volume filling effect is studied under no-flux boundary conditions. The resulting system is non-uniformly parabolic. A Lyapunov functional for the system is constructed. The proof of existence and uniqueness of regular global-in-time solutions is given in cases when either the Lyapunov functional is bounded from below or chemotactic forces are suitably weakened. In the first case solutions are uniformly...
We study the chemotaxis system with singular sensitivity and logistic-type source: , under the non-flux boundary conditions in a smooth bounded domain , , and . It is shown with that the system possesses a global generalized solution for which is bounded when is suitably small related to and the initial datum is properly small, and a global bounded classical solution for .
We investigate a model describing the dynamics of a gas of self-gravitating Brownian particles. This model can also have applications for the chemotaxis of bacterial populations. We focus here on the collapse phase obtained at sufficiently low temperature/energy and on the post-collapse regime following the singular time where the central density diverges. Several analytical results are illustrated by numerical simulations.