Displaying 101 – 120 of 422

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SMAC-FDI: A single model active fault detection and isolation system for unmanned aircraft

Guillaume J.J. Ducard (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This article presents a single model active fault detection and isolation system (SMAC-FDI) which is designed to efficiently detect and isolate a faulty actuator in a system, such as a small (unmanned) aircraft. This FDI system is based on a single and simple aerodynamic model of an aircraft in order to generate some residuals, as soon as an actuator fault occurs. These residuals are used to trigger an active strategy based on artificial exciting signals that searches within the residuals for the...

Smooth homogeneous asymptotically stabilizing feedback controls

H. Hermes (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

If a smooth nonlinear affine control system has a controllable linear approximation, a standard technique for constructing a smooth (linear) asymptotically stabilizing feedbackcontrol is via the LQR (linear, quadratic, regulator) method. The nonlinear system may not have a controllable linear approximation, but instead may be shown to be small (or large) time locally controllable via a high order, homogeneous approximation. In this case one can attempt to construct an asymptotically stabilizing...

Smooth optimal synthesis for infinite horizon variational problems

Andrei A. Agrachev, Francesca C. Chittaro (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study Hamiltonian systems which generate extremal flows of regular variational problems on smooth manifolds and demonstrate that negativity of the generalized curvature of such a system implies the existence of a global smooth optimal synthesis for the infinite horizon problem. We also show that in the Euclidean case negativity of the generalized curvature is a consequence of the convexity of the Lagrangian with respect to the pair of arguments. Finally, we give a generic classification for...

Smooth super twisting sliding mode based steering control for nonholonomic systems transformable into chained form

Waseem Abbasi, Fazal ur Rehman, Ibrahim Shah (2018)


In this article, a new solution to the steering control problem of nonholonomic systems, which are transformable into chained form is investigated. A smooth super twisting sliding mode control technique is used to steer nonholonomic systems. Firstly, the nonholonomic system is transformed into a chained form system, which is further decomposed into two subsystems. Secondly, the second subsystem is steered to the origin by using smooth super twisting sliding mode control. Finally, the first subsystem...

Sobre la estabilización robusta para ciertos tipos de sistemas lineales.

J. M. Amillo, F. A. Mata (1989)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper we consider the problem of robust stabilization of systems with complex pole variations. We show that techniques from the complex function field can also be used to treat these cases. In particular the problem is reduced to one of interpolation theory on the disk.

Soft computing in modelbased predictive control footnotemark

Piotr Tatjewski, Maciej Ławrynczuk (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The application of fuzzy reasoning techniques and neural network structures to model-based predictive control (MPC) is studied. First, basic structures of MPC algorithms are reviewed. Then, applications of fuzzy systems of the Takagi-Sugeno type in explicit and numerical nonlinear MPC algorithms are presented. Next, many techniques using neural network modeling to improve structural or computational properties of MPC algorithms are presented and discussed, from a neural network model of a process...

Soft variable structure control in time-delay systems with saturating input

Przemysław Ignaciuk (2021)


In order to achieve a short regulation cycle, time-optimal control has been considered in the past. However, the sensitivity to errors and uncertainties, and implementation difficulties in the practical systems, have incited other research directions to meet this objective. In this paper, soft Variable Structure Control (VSC) is analyzed from the perspective of linear time-delay systems with input constraint. The desired fast convergence under a smoothly varying control signal is obtained. The stability...

Solutions of semi-Markov control models with recursive discount rates and approximation by ϵ -optimal policies

Yofre H. García, Juan González-Hernández (2019)


This paper studies a class of discrete-time discounted semi-Markov control model on Borel spaces. We assume possibly unbounded costs and a non-stationary exponential form in the discount factor which depends of on a rate, called the discount rate. Given an initial discount rate the evolution in next steps depends on both the previous discount rate and the sojourn time of the system at the current state. The new results provided here are the existence and the approximation of optimal policies for...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 422