Nash and Stackelberg solutions to general linear-quadratic two player difference games. I. Open-loop and feedback strategies
An upper bound for the complex structured singular value related to a linear time-invariant system over all frequencies is given. It is in the form of the spectral radius of the -norm matrix of SISO input-output channels of the system when uncertainty blocks are SISO. In the case of MIMO uncertainty blocks the upper bound is the -norm of a special non-negative matrix derived from -norms of SISO channels of the system. The upper bound is fit into the inequality relation between the results of...
This paper studies recursive optimal filtering as well as robust fault and state estimation for linear stochastic systems with unknown disturbances. It proposes a new recursive optimal filter structure with transformation of the original system. This transformation is based on the singular value decomposition of the direct feedthrough matrix distribution of the fault which is assumed to be of arbitrary rank. The resulting filter is optimal in the sense of the unbiased minimum-variance criteria....