Controllability of the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation.
We formulate two results on controllability properties of the 3D Navier–Stokes (NS) system. They concern the approximate controllability and exact controllability in finite-dimensional projections of the problem in question. As a consequence, we obtain the existence of a strong solution of the Cauchy problem for the 3D NS system with an arbitrary initial function and a large class of right-hand sides. We also discuss some qualitative properties of admissible weak solutions for randomly forced NS...
In the paper definitions of various kinds of stability and boundedness of solutions of linear controllable systems of partial differential equations are introduced and their interconnections are derived. By means of Ljapunov's functions theorems are proved which give necessary and sufficient conditions for particular kinds of stability and boundedness of the solutions.
We consider a quantum particle in a 1D infinite square potential well with variable length. It is a nonlinear control system in which the state is the wave function ϕ of the particle and the control is the length l(t) of the potential well. We prove the following controllability result : given close enough to an eigenstate corresponding to the length l = 1 and close enough to another eigenstate corresponding to the length l=1, there exists a continuous function with T > 0, such that l(0)...
In this paper, we introduce a new method for feedback controller design for the complex distributed parameter networks governed by wave equations, which ensures the stability of the closed loop system. This method is based on the uniqueness theory of ordinary differential equations and cutting-edge approach in the graph theory, but it is not a simple extension. As a realization of this idea, we investigate a bush-type wave network. The well-posedness of the closed loop system is obtained via Lax-Milgram’s...
In this paper, we introduce a new method for feedback controller design for the complex distributed parameter networks governed by wave equations, which ensures the stability of the closed loop system. This method is based on the uniqueness theory of ordinary differential equations and cutting-edge approach in the graph theory, but it is not a simple extension. As a realization of this idea, we investigate a bush-type wave network. The well-posedness of the closed loop system is obtained via Lax-Milgram’s...
In this paper, we introduce a new method for feedback controller design for the complex distributed parameter networks governed by wave equations, which ensures the stability of the closed loop system. This method is based on the uniqueness theory of ordinary differential equations and cutting-edge approach in the graph theory, but it is not a simple extension. As a realization of this idea, we investigate a bush-type wave network. The well-posedness of the closed loop system is obtained via Lax-Milgram’s...
We consider a semilinear heat equation in an unbounded domain Ω with partially known initial data. The insensitizing problem consists in finding a control function such that some functional of the state is locally insensitive to the perturbations of these initial data. For bounded domains Bodart and Fabre proved the existence of insensitizing controls of the norm of the observation of the solution in an open subset of the domain. In this paper we prove similar results when Ω is unbounded. We consider...
We consider a structural acoustic problem with the flexible wall modeled by a thermoelastic plate, subject to Dirichlet boundary control in the thermal component. We establish sharp regularity results for the traces of the thermal variable on the boundary in case the system is supplemented with clamped mechanical boundary conditions. These regularity estimates are most crucial for validity of the optimal control theory developed by Acquistapace et al. [Adv. Differential Equations, 2005], which ensures...
We analyze the problem of boundary observability of the finite-difference space semidiscretizations of the 2-d wave equation in the square. We prove the uniform (with respect to the meshsize) boundary observability for the solutions obtained by the two-grid preconditioner introduced by Glowinski [9]. Our method uses previously known uniform observability inequalities for low frequency solutions and a dyadic spectral time decomposition. As a consequence we prove the convergence of the two-grid algorithm...
The purpose of this note is to investigate the existence of solutions to a class of second order distributed parameter systems with sudden changes in the input term. The class of distributed parameter systems under study is often encountered in flexible structures and structure-fluid interaction systems that use smart actuators. A failure in the actuator is modeled as either an abrupt or an incipient change of the actuator map whose magnitude is a function of the measurable output. A Galerkin-based...