Partial decoupling of non-minimum phase systems by constant state feedback
Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) controllable and observable systems where the controller has access to some plant outputs but not others are considered. Analytical expressions of coprime factorizations of a given plant, a solution of the Diophantine equation and the two free parameters of a two-degrees of freedom (2DOF) controller based on observer stabilizing control are presented solving a pole placement problem, a mixed sensitivity criterion, and a reference tracking...
The use of a principal ideal domain structure for the analysis and design of multidimensional systems is discussed. As a first step it is shown that a lattice structure can be introduced for IO-relations generated by polynomial matrices in a signal space X (an Abelian group). It is assumed that the matrices take values in a polynomial ring F[p] where F is a field such that F[p] is a commutative subring of the ring of endomorphisms of X. After that it is analysed when a given F[p] acting on X can...