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New coprime polynomial fraction representation of transfer function matrix

Yelena M. Smagina (2001)


A new form of the coprime polynomial fraction C ( s ) F ( s ) - 1 of a transfer function matrix G ( s ) is presented where the polynomial matrices C ( s ) and F ( s ) have the form of a matrix (or generalized matrix) polynomials with the structure defined directly by the controllability characteristics of a state- space model and Markov matrices H B , H A B , ...

Nonregular decoupling with stability of two-output systems

Javier Ruiz, Jorge A. Torres Muñoz, Francisco Lizaola (2002)


In this paper we present a solution to the decoupling problem with stability of linear multivariable systems with 2 outputs, using nonregular static state feedback. The problem is tackled using an algebraic-polynomial approach, and the main idea is to test the conditions for a decoupling compensator with stability to be feedback realizable. It is shown that the problem has a solution if and only if Morse’s list I 2 is greater than or equal to the infinite and unstable structure of the proper and stable...

Notes on μ and l 1 robustness tests

Gábor Z. Kovács, Katalin M. Hangos (1998)


An upper bound for the complex structured singular value related to a linear time-invariant system over all frequencies is given. It is in the form of the spectral radius of the -norm matrix of SISO input-output channels of the system when uncertainty blocks are SISO. In the case of MIMO uncertainty blocks the upper bound is the -norm of a special non-negative matrix derived from -norms of SISO channels of the system. The upper bound is fit into the inequality relation between the results of...

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