Efficient criteria for the stabilization of planar linear systems by hybrid feedback controls.
This paper introduces a complete parametric approach for solving the eigenstructure assignment problem using proportional-plus-derivative feedback for second-order linear control systems. In this work, necessary and sufficient conditions that ensure the solvability for the second-order system are derived. A parametric solution to the feedback gain matrix is introduced that describes the available degrees of freedom offered by the proportional-plus-derivative feedback in selecting the associated...
Two description forms of a linear fractional-order discrete system are considered. The first one is by a fractional-order difference equation, whereas the second by a fractional-order state-space equation. In relation to the two above-mentioned description forms, stability domains are evaluated. Several simulations of stable, marginally stable and unstable unit step responses of fractional-order systems due to different values of system parameters are presented.
We analyse a Markov chain and perturbations of the transition probability and the one-step cost function (possibly unbounded) defined on it. Under certain conditions, of Lyapunov and Harris type, we obtain new estimates of the effects of such perturbations via an index of perturbations, defined as the difference of the total expected discounted costs between the original Markov chain and the perturbed one. We provide an example which illustrates our analysis.
This paper is concerned with the problem of event-triggered output feedback control of discrete time piecewise-affine systems. Relying on system outputs, a piecewise-affine triggering condition is constructed to release communication burden. Resorting to piecewise Lyapunov functional and robust control techniques, sufficient conditions are built to ensure the closed-loop systems to be asymptotically stable with the prescribed performance. By utilizing a separation strategy, the static output...
Fuzzy cellular neural networks with time-varying delays are considered. Some sufficient conditions for the existence and exponential stability of periodic solutions are obtained by using the continuation theorem based on the coincidence degree and the differential inequality technique. The sufficient conditions are easy to use in pattern recognition and automatic control. Finally, an example is given to show the feasibility and effectiveness of our methods.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of pole and zero structures in a proper rational matrix equation is developed. This condition provides a new interpretation of sufficient conditions which ensure decentralized stabilizability of an expanded system. A numerical example illustrate the theoretical results.
In this paper we study the frequency and time domain behaviour of a heat exchanger network system. The system is governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations. Both the control operator and the observation operator are unbounded but admissible. Using the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems, we prove exponential stability of the underlying semigroup for the heat exchanger network. Applying the recent theory of well-posed infinite-dimensional linear systems, we prove that the system is...
In this paper we study the frequency and time domain behaviour of a heat exchanger network system. The system is governed by hyperbolic partial differential equations. Both the control operator and the observation operator are unbounded but admissible. Using the theory of symmetric hyperbolic systems, we prove exponential stability of the underlying semigroup for the heat exchanger network. Applying the recent theory of well-posed infinite-dimensional linear systems, we prove that the system...