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Fast leak detection and location of gas pipelines based on an adaptive particle filter

Ming Liu, Shu Zang, Donghua Zhou (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Leak detection and location play an important role in the management of a pipeline system. Some model-based methods, such as those based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) or based on the strong tracking filter (STF), have been presented to solve this problem. But these methods need the nonlinear pipeline model to be linearized. Unfortunately, linearized transformations are only reliable if error propagation can be well approximated by a linear function, and this condition does not hold for a gas...

Fault diagnosis in a networked control system under communication constraints: a quadrotor application

Karim Chabir, Mohamed Amine Sid, Dominique Sauter (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper considers the problem of attitude sensor fault diagnosis in a quadrotor helicopter. The proposed approach is composed of two stages. The first one is the modelling of the system attitude dynamics taking into account the induced communication constraints. Then a robust fault detection and evaluation scheme is proposed using a post-filter designed under a particular design objective. This approach is compared with previous results based on the standard Kalman filter and gives better results...

Filtering the Wright-Fisher diffusion

Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Valentine Genon-Catalot (2009)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider a Wright-Fisher diffusion (x(t)) whose current state cannot be observed directly. Instead, at times t1 < t2 < ..., the observations y(ti) are such that, given the process (x(t)), the random variables (y(ti)) are independent and the conditional distribution of y(ti) only depends on x(ti). When this conditional distribution has a specific form, we prove that the model ((x(ti),y(ti)), i≥1) is a computable filter in the sense that all distributions involved in filtering, prediction...

Fractional kalman filter algorithm for the states parameters and order of fractional system estimation

Dominik Sierociuk, Andrzej Dzieliński (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper presents a generalization of the Kalman filter for linear and nonlinear fractional order discrete state-space systems. Linear and nonlinear discrete fractional order state-space systems are also introduced. The simplified kalman filter for the linear case is called the fractional Kalman filter and its nonlinear extension is named the extended fractional Kalman filter. The background and motivations for using such techniques are given, and some algorithms are discussed. The paper also...

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