Estimation of probabilistic noise models based on filtration of sample noise sequences
Se introduce en este trabajo una axiomatización de las medidas de incertidumbre (información a priori) condicionada por una experiencia que generaliza la dada para la incertidumbre condicionada por un suceso. El concepto de medidas de incertidumbre condicionalmente componibles permite, en determinadas condiciones (componibilidad de tipo M), una construcción de las mismas. Por último se analizan diversos ejemplos (medidas de Shannon, Renyi, etc.), constatándose la igualdad de las construcciones dadas...
The measurement of information emitted by sources with uncertainty of random type is known and investigated in many works. This paper aims to contribute to analogous treatment of information connected with messages from other uncertain sources, influenced by not only random but also some other types of uncertainty, namely with imprecision and vagueness. The main sections are devoted to the characterization and quantitative representation of such uncertainties and measures of information produced...
We show that the size of a Las Vegas automaton and the size of a complete, minimal deterministic automaton accepting a regular language are polynomially related. More precisely, we show that if a regular language is accepted by a Las Vegas automaton having states such that the probability for a definite answer to occur is at least , then , where is the number of the states of the minimal deterministic automaton accepting . Earlier this result has been obtained in [2] by using a reduction...