Displaying 61 – 80 of 251

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Exponentiations over the quantum algebra U q ( s l 2 ( ) )

Sonia L’Innocente, Françoise Point, Carlo Toffalori (2013)

Confluentes Mathematici

We define and compare, by model-theoretical methods, some exponentiations over the quantum algebra U q ( s l 2 ( ) ) . We discuss two cases, according to whether the parameter q is a root of unity. We show that the universal enveloping algebra of s l 2 ( ) embeds in a non-principal ultraproduct of U q ( s l 2 ( ) ) , where q varies over the primitive roots of unity.

Extensions of Büchi's problem: Questions of decidability for addition and kth powers

Thanases Pheidas, Xavier Vidaux (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We generalize a question of Büchi: Let R be an integral domain, C a subring and k ≥ 2 an integer. Is there an algorithm to decide the solvability in R of any given system of polynomial equations, each of which is linear in the kth powers of the unknowns, with coefficients in C? We state a number-theoretical problem, depending on k, a positive answer to which would imply a negative answer to the question for R = C = ℤ. We reduce a negative answer for k = 2 and for...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 251