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The order of uniquely partitionable graphs

Izak Broere, Marietjie Frick, Peter Mihók (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let ₁,...,ₙ be properties of graphs. A (₁,...,ₙ)-partition of a graph G is a partition V₁,...,Vₙ of V(G) such that, for each i = 1,...,n, the subgraph of G induced by V i has property i . If a graph G has a unique (₁,...,ₙ)-partition we say it is uniquely (₁,...,ₙ)-partitionable. We establish best lower bounds for the order of uniquely (₁,...,ₙ)-partitionable graphs, for various choices of ₁,...,ₙ.

The set chromatic number of a graph

Gary Chartrand, Futaba Okamoto, Craig W. Rasmussen, Ping Zhang (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a nontrivial connected graph G, let c: V(G)→ N be a vertex coloring of G where adjacent vertices may be colored the same. For a vertex v of G, the neighborhood color set NC(v) is the set of colors of the neighbors of v. The coloring c is called a set coloring if NC(u) ≠ NC(v) for every pair u,v of adjacent vertices of G. The minimum number of colors required of such a coloring is called the set chromatic number χₛ(G) of G. The set chromatic numbers of some well-known classes of graphs are determined...

The s-packing chromatic number of a graph

Wayne Goddard, Honghai Xu (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let S = (a₁, a₂, ...) be an infinite nondecreasing sequence of positive integers. An S-packing k-coloring of a graph G is a mapping from V(G) to 1,2,...,k such that vertices with color i have pairwise distance greater than a i , and the S-packing chromatic number χ S ( G ) of G is the smallest integer k such that G has an S-packing k-coloring. This concept generalizes the concept of proper coloring (when S = (1,1,1,...)) and broadcast coloring (when S = (1,2,3,4,...)). In this paper, we consider bounds on...

The structure of plane graphs with independent crossings and its applications to coloring problems

Xin Zhang, Guizhen Liu (2013)

Open Mathematics

If a graph G has a drawing in the plane in such a way that every two crossings are independent, then we call G a plane graph with independent crossings or IC-planar graph for short. In this paper, the structure of IC-planar graphs with minimum degree at least two or three is studied. By applying their structural results, we prove that the edge chromatic number of G is Δ if Δ ≥ 8, the list edge (resp. list total) chromatic number of G is Δ (resp. Δ + 1) if Δ ≥ 14 and the linear arboricity of G is...

The use of Euler's formula in (3,1)*-list coloring

Yongqiang Zhao, Wenjie He (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph G is called (k,d)*-choosable if, for every list assignment L satisfying |L(v)| = k for all v ∈ V(G), there is an L-coloring of G such that each vertex of G has at most d neighbors colored with the same color as itself. Ko-Wei Lih et al. used the way of discharging to prove that every planar graph without 4-cycles and i-cycles for some i ∈ 5,6,7 is (3,1)*-choosable. In this paper, we show that if G is 2-connected, we may just use Euler’s formula and the graph’s structural properties to prove...

The Vertex-Rainbow Index of A Graph

Yaping Mao (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The k-rainbow index rxk(G) of a connected graph G was introduced by Chartrand, Okamoto and Zhang in 2010. As a natural counterpart of the k-rainbow index, we introduce the concept of k-vertex-rainbow index rvxk(G) in this paper. In this paper, sharp upper and lower bounds of rvxk(G) are given for a connected graph G of order n, that is, 0 ≤ rvxk(G) ≤ n − 2. We obtain Nordhaus-Gaddum results for 3-vertex-rainbow index of a graph G of order n, and show that rvx3(G) + rvx3(Ḡ) = 4 for n = 4 and 2 ≤...

Three edge-coloring conjectures

Richard H. Schelp (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The focus of this article is on three of the author's open conjectures. The article itself surveys results relating to the conjectures and shows where the conjectures are known to hold.

Torsion in graph homology

Laure Helme-Guizon, Józef H. Przytycki, Yongwu Rong (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Khovanov homology for knots has generated a flurry of activity in the topology community. This paper studies the Khovanov type cohomology for graphs with a special attention to torsion. When the underlying algebra is ℤ[x]/(x²), we determine precisely those graphs whose cohomology contains torsion. For a large class of algebras, we show that torsion often occurs. Our investigation of torsion led to other related general results. Our computation could potentially be used to predict the Khovanov-Rozansky...

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