Displaying 361 – 380 of 511

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On the number of representations of an element in a polygonal Cayley graph

Gabriella Kuhn, Paolo M. Soardi (1987)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We compute explicitly the number of paths of given length joining two vertices of the Cayley graph of the free product of cyclic groups of order k.

On the stability for pancyclicity

Ingo Schiermeyer (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A property P defined on all graphs of order n is said to be k-stable if for any graph of order n that does not satisfy P, the fact that uv is not an edge of G and that G + uv satisfies P implies d G ( u ) + d G ( v ) < k . Every property is (2n-3)-stable and every k-stable property is (k+1)-stable. We denote by s(P) the smallest integer k such that P is k-stable and call it the stability of P. This number usually depends on n and is at most 2n-3. A graph of order n is said to be pancyclic if it contains cycles of all lengths...

On the tree graph of a connected graph

Ana Paulina Figueroa, Eduardo Rivera-Campo (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G be a graph and C be a set of cycles of G. The tree graph of G defined by C, is the graph T(G,C) that has one vertex for each spanning tree of G, in which two trees T and T' are adjacent if their symmetric difference consists of two edges and the unique cycle contained in T ∪ T' is an element of C. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for this graph to be connected for the case where every edge of G belongs to at most two cycles in C.

On Uniquely Hamiltonian Claw-Free and Triangle-Free Graphs

Ben Seamone (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph is uniquely Hamiltonian if it contains exactly one Hamiltonian cycle. In this note, we prove that claw-free graphs with minimum degree at least 3 are not uniquely Hamiltonian. We also show that this is best possible by exhibiting uniquely Hamiltonian claw-free graphs with minimum degree 2 and arbitrary maximum degree. Finally, we show that a construction due to Entringer and Swart can be modified to construct triangle-free uniquely Hamiltonian graphs with minimum degree 3.

On-line Ramsey theory.

Grytczuk, J.A., Hałuszczak, M., Kierstead, H.A. (2004)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

On-line ranking number for cycles and paths

Erik Bruoth, Mirko Horňák (1999)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A k-ranking of a graph G is a colouring φ:V(G) → 1,...,k such that any path in G with endvertices x,y fulfilling φ(x) = φ(y) contains an internal vertex z with φ(z) > φ(x). On-line ranking number χ * r ( G ) of a graph G is a minimum k such that G has a k-ranking constructed step by step if vertices of G are coming and coloured one by one in an arbitrary order; when colouring a vertex, only edges between already present vertices are known. Schiermeyer, Tuza and Voigt proved that χ * r ( P ) < 3 l o g n for n ≥ 2. Here we show...

Onq-Power Cycles in Cubic Graphs

Julien Bensmail (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In the context of a conjecture of Erdős and Gyárfás, we consider, for any q ≥ 2, the existence of q-power cycles (i.e., with length a power of q) in cubic graphs. We exhibit constructions showing that, for every q ≥ 3, there exist arbitrarily large cubic graphs with no q-power cycles. Concerning the remaining case q = 2 (which corresponds to the conjecture of Erdős and Gyárfás), we show that there exist arbitrarily large cubic graphs whose all 2-power cycles have length 4 only, or 8 only.

Order of the smallest counterexample to Gallai's conjecture

Fuyuan Chen (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In 1966, Gallai conjectured that all the longest paths of a connected graph have a common vertex. Zamfirescu conjectured that the smallest counterexample to Gallai’s conjecture is a graph on 12 vertices. We prove that Gallai’s conjecture is true for every connected graph G with α ' ( G ) 5 , which implies that Zamfirescu’s conjecture is true.

Ordered and linked chordal graphs

Thomas Böhme, Tobias Gerlach, Michael Stiebitz (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph G is called k-ordered if for every sequence of k distinct vertices there is a cycle traversing these vertices in the given order. In the present paper we consider two novel generalizations of this concept, k-vertex-edge-ordered and strongly k-vertex-edge-ordered. We prove the following results for a chordal graph G: (a) G is (2k-3)-connected if and only if it is k-vertex-edge-ordered (k ≥ 3). (b) G is (2k-1)-connected if and only if it is strongly k-vertex-edge-ordered...

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 511