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A path(ological) partition problem

Izak Broere, Michael Dorfling, Jean E. Dunbar, Marietjie Frick (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let τ(G) denote the number of vertices in a longest path of the graph G and let k₁ and k₂ be positive integers such that τ(G) = k₁ + k₂. The question at hand is whether the vertex set V(G) can be partitioned into two subsets V₁ and V₂ such that τ(G[V₁] ) ≤ k₁ and τ(G[V₂] ) ≤ k₂. We show that several classes of graphs have this partition property.

A simple proof of Whitney's Theorem on connectivity in graphs

Kewen Zhao (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

In 1932 Whitney showed that a graph G with order n 3 is 2-connected if and only if any two vertices of G are connected by at least two internally-disjoint paths. The above result and its proof have been used in some Graph Theory books, such as in Bondy and Murty’s well-known Graph Theory with Applications. In this note we give a much simple proof of Whitney’s Theorem.

A Survey of the Path Partition Conjecture

Marietjie Frick (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Path Partition Conjecture (PPC) states that if G is any graph and (λ1, λ2) any pair of positive integers such that G has no path with more than λ1 + λ2 vertices, then there exists a partition (V1, V2) of the vertex set of G such that Vi has no path with more than λi vertices, i = 1, 2. We present a brief history of the PPC, discuss its relation to other conjectures and survey results on the PPC that have appeared in the literature since its first formulation in 1981.

A Triple of Heavy Subgraphs Ensuring Pancyclicity of 2-Connected Graphs

Wojciech Wide (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph G on n vertices is said to be pancyclic if it contains cycles of all lengths k for k ∈ {3, . . . , n}. A vertex v ∈ V (G) is called super-heavy if the number of its neighbours in G is at least (n+1)/2. For a given graph H we say that G is H-f1-heavy if for every induced subgraph K of G isomorphic to H and every two vertices u, v ∈ V (K), dK(u, v) = 2 implies that at least one of them is super-heavy. For a family of graphs H we say that G is H-f1-heavy, if G is H-f1-heavy for every graph...

A σ₃ type condition for heavy cycles in weighted graphs

Shenggui Zhang, Xueliang Li, Hajo Broersma (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A weighted graph is a graph in which each edge e is assigned a non-negative number w(e), called the weight of e. The weight of a cycle is the sum of the weights of its edges. The weighted degree d w ( v ) of a vertex v is the sum of the weights of the edges incident with v. In this paper, we prove the following result: Suppose G is a 2-connected weighted graph which satisfies the following conditions: 1. The weighted degree sum of any three independent vertices is at least m; 2. w(xz) = w(yz) for every...

Acyclic numbers of graphs.

Samodivkin, Vladmir (2009)

Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyí regyháziensis. New Series [electronic only]

Adjacent vertex distinguishing edge colorings of the direct product of a regular graph by a path or a cycle

Laura Frigerio, Federico Lastaria, Norma Zagaglia Salvi (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we investigate the minimum number of colors required for a proper edge coloring of a finite, undirected, regular graph G in which no two adjacent vertices are incident to edges colored with the same set of colors. In particular, we study this parameter in relation to the direct product of G by a path or a cycle.

Algebraic tools for the construction of colored flows with boundary constraints

Marius Dorkenoo, Marie-Christine Eglin-Leclerc, Eric Rémila (2004)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We give a linear time algorithm which, given a simply connected figure of the plane divided into cells, whose boundary is crossed by some colored inputs and outputs, produces non-intersecting directed flow lines which match inputs and outputs according to the colors, in such a way that each edge of any cell is crossed by at most one line. The main tool is the notion of height function, previously introduced for tilings. It appears as an extension of the notion of potential of a flow in a planar...

Algebraic tools for the construction of colored flows with boundary constraints

Marius Dorkenoo, Marie-Christine Eglin-Leclerc, Eric Rémila (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We give a linear time algorithm which, given a simply connected figure of the plane divided into cells, whose boundary is crossed by some colored inputs and outputs, produces non-intersecting directed flow lines which match inputs and outputs according to the colors, in such a way that each edge of any cell is crossed by at most one line. The main tool is the notion of height function, previously introduced for tilings. It appears as an extension of the notion of potential of a flow in...

Almost-Rainbow Edge-Colorings of Some Small Subgraphs

Elliot Krop, Irina Krop (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let f(n, p, q) be the minimum number of colors necessary to color the edges of Kn so that every Kp is at least q-colored. We improve current bounds on these nearly “anti-Ramsey” numbers, first studied by Erdös and Gyárfás. We show that [...] , slightly improving the bound of Axenovich. We make small improvements on bounds of Erdös and Gyárfás by showing [...] and for all even n ≢ 1(mod 3), f(n, 4, 5) ≤ n− 1. For a complete bipartite graph G= Kn,n, we show an n-color construction to color the edges...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 511