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Travel groupoids

Ladislav Nebeský (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, by a travel groupoid is meant an ordered pair ( V , * ) such that V is a nonempty set and * is a binary operation on V satisfying the following two conditions for all u , v V : ( u * v ) * u = u ; if ( u * v ) * v = u , then u = v . Let ( V , * ) be a travel groupoid. It is easy to show that if x , y V , then x * y = y if and only if y * x = x . We say that ( V , * ) is on a (finite or infinite) graph G if V ( G ) = V and E ( G ) = { { u , v } u , v V and u u * v = v } . Clearly, every travel groupoid is on exactly one graph. In this paper, some properties of travel groupoids on graphs are studied.

Tricyclic graphs with exactly two main eigenvalues

Xiaoxia Fan, Yanfeng Luo, Xing Gao (2013)

Open Mathematics

An eigenvalue of a graph G is called a main eigenvalue if it has an eigenvector the sum of whose entries is not equal to zero. Let G 0 be the graph obtained from G by deleting all pendant vertices and δ(G) the minimum degree of vertices of G. In this paper, all connected tricyclic graphs G with δ(G 0) ≥ 2 and exactly two main eigenvalues are determined.

Two operations on a graph preserving the (non)existence of 2-factors in its line graph

Mingqiang An, Hong-Jian Lai, Hao Li, Guifu Su, Runli Tian, Liming Xiong (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G = ( V ( G ) , E ( G ) ) be a graph. Gould and Hynds (1999) showed a well-known characterization of G by its line graph L ( G ) that has a 2-factor. In this paper, by defining two operations, we present a characterization for a graph G to have a 2-factor in its line graph L ( G ) . A graph G is called N 2 -locally connected if for every vertex x V ( G ) , G [ ...

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