Displaying 201 – 220 of 373

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Offensive alliances in graphs

Odile Favaron, Gerd Fricke, Wayne Goddard, Sandra M. Hedetniemi, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Petter Kristiansen, Renu C. Laskar, R. Duane Skaggs (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A set S is an offensive alliance if for every vertex v in its boundary N(S)- S it holds that the majority of vertices in v's closed neighbourhood are in S. The offensive alliance number is the minimum cardinality of an offensive alliance. In this paper we explore the bounds on the offensive alliance and the strong offensive alliance numbers (where a strict majority is required). In particular, we show that the offensive alliance number is at most 2/3 the order and the strong offensive alliance number...

On a problem concerning k -subdomination numbers of graphs

Bohdan Zelinka (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

One of numerical invariants concerning domination in graphs is the k -subdomination number γ k S - 11 ( G ) of a graph G . A conjecture concerning it was expressed by J. H. Hattingh, namely that for any connected graph G with n vertices and any k with 1 2 n < k n the inequality γ k S - 11 ( G ) 2 k - n holds. This paper presents a simple counterexample which disproves this conjecture. This counterexample is the graph of the three-dimensional cube and k = 5 .

On a property of neighborhood hypergraphs

Konrad Pióro (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of the paper is to show that no simple graph has a proper subgraph with the same neighborhood hypergraph. As a simple consequence of this result we infer that if a clique hypergraph 𝒢 and a hypergraph have the same neighborhood hypergraph and the neighborhood relation in 𝒢 is a subrelation of such a relation in , then is inscribed into 𝒢 (both seen as coverings). In particular, if is also a clique hypergraph, then = 𝒢 .

On CCC boolean algebras and partial orders

András Hajnal, István Juhász, Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We partially strengthen a result of Shelah from [Sh] by proving that if κ = κ ω and P is a CCC partial order with e.g. | P | κ + ω (the ω th successor of κ ) and | P | 2 κ then P is κ -linked.

On co-bicliques

Denis Cornaz (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

A co-biclique of a simple undirected graph G = (V,E) is the edge-set of two disjoint complete subgraphs of G. (A co-biclique is the complement of a biclique.) A subset F ⊆ E is an independent of G if there is a co-biclique B such that F ⊆ B, otherwise F is a dependent of G. This paper describes the minimal dependents of G. (A minimal dependent is a dependent C such that any proper subset of C is an independent.) It is showed that a minimum-cost dependent set of G can be determined in polynomial...

On dominating the Cartesian product of a graph and K₂

Bert L. Hartnell, Douglas F. Rall (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we consider the Cartesian product of an arbitrary graph and a complete graph of order two. Although an upper and lower bound for the domination number of this product follow easily from known results, we are interested in the graphs that actually attain these bounds. In each case, we provide an infinite class of graphs to show that the bound is sharp. The graphs that achieve the lower bound are of particular interest given the special nature of their dominating sets and are investigated...

On domination in graphs

Frank Göring, Jochen Harant (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a finite undirected graph G on n vertices two continuous optimization problems taken over the n-dimensional cube are presented and it is proved that their optimum values equal the domination number γ of G. An efficient approximation method is developed and known upper bounds on γ are slightly improved.

On domination number of 4-regular graphs

Hailong Liu, Liang Sun (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a simple graph. A subset S V is a dominating set of G , if for any vertex v V - S there exists a vertex u S such that u v E ( G ) . The domination number, denoted by γ ( G ) , is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set. In this paper we prove that if G is a 4-regular graph with order n , then γ ( G ) 4 11 n .

On double domination in graphs

Jochen Harant, Michael A. Henning (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In a graph G, a vertex dominates itself and its neighbors. A subset S ⊆ V(G) is a double dominating set of G if S dominates every vertex of G at least twice. The minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G is the double domination number γ × 2 ( G ) . A function f(p) is defined, and it is shown that γ × 2 ( G ) = m i n f ( p ) , where the minimum is taken over the n-dimensional cube C = p = ( p , . . . , p ) | p i I R , 0 p i 1 , i = 1 , . . . , n . Using this result, it is then shown that if G has order n with minimum degree δ and average degree d, then γ × 2 ( G ) ( ( l n ( 1 + d ) + l n δ + 1 ) / δ ) n .

On Fully Split Lacunary Polynomials in Finite Fields

Khodakhast Bibak, Igor E. Shparlinski (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We estimate the number of possible degree patterns of k-lacunary polynomials of degree t < p which split completely modulo p. The result is based on a combination of a bound on the number of zeros of lacunary polynomials with some graph theory arguments.

On Graphs with Disjoint Dominating and 2-Dominating Sets

Michael A. Henning, Douglas F. Rall (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A DD2-pair of a graph G is a pair (D,D2) of disjoint sets of vertices of G such that D is a dominating set and D2 is a 2-dominating set of G. Although there are infinitely many graphs that do not contain a DD2-pair, we show that every graph with minimum degree at least two has a DD2-pair. We provide a constructive characterization of trees that have a DD2-pair and show that K3,3 is the only connected graph with minimum degree at least three for which D ∪ D2 necessarily contains all vertices of the...

On 𝓕-independence in graphs

Frank Göring, Jochen Harant, Dieter Rautenbach, Ingo Schiermeyer (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let be a set of graphs and for a graph G let α ( G ) and α * ( G ) denote the maximum order of an induced subgraph of G which does not contain a graph in as a subgraph and which does not contain a graph in as an induced subgraph, respectively. Lower bounds on α ( G ) and α * ( G ) are presented.

On kernels by monochromatic paths in the corona of digraphs

Iwona Włoch (2008)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of kernels by monochromatic paths in the corona of digraphs. Using these results, we are able to prove the main result of this paper which provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the corona of digraphs to be monochromatic kernel-perfect. Moreover we calculate the total numbers of kernels by monochromatic paths, independent by monochromatic paths sets and dominating by monochromatic paths sets in this digraphs...

On (k,l)-kernels in D-join of digraphs

Waldemar Szumny, Andrzej Włoch, Iwona Włoch (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In [5] the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of (k,l)-kernels in a D-join of digraphs were given if the digraph D is without circuits of length less than k. In this paper we generalize these results for an arbitrary digraph D. Moreover, we give the total number of (k,l)-kernels, k-independent sets and l-dominating sets in a D-join of digraphs.

On locating and differentiating-total domination in trees

Mustapha Chellali (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A total dominating set of a graph G = (V,E) with no isolated vertex is a set S ⊆ V such that every vertex is adjacent to a vertex in S. A total dominating set S of a graph G is a locating-total dominating set if for every pair of distinct vertices u and v in V-S, N(u)∩S ≠ N(v)∩S, and S is a differentiating-total dominating set if for every pair of distinct vertices u and v in V, N[u]∩S ≠ N[v] ∩S. Let γ L ( G ) and γ D ( G ) be the minimum cardinality of a locating-total dominating set and a differentiating-total...

On locating-domination in graphs

Mustapha Chellali, Malika Mimouni, Peter J. Slater (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A set D of vertices in a graph G = (V,E) is a locating-dominating set (LDS) if for every two vertices u,v of V-D the sets N(u)∩ D and N(v)∩ D are non-empty and different. The locating-domination number γ L ( G ) is the minimum cardinality of a LDS of G, and the upper locating-domination number, Γ L ( G ) is the maximum cardinality of a minimal LDS of G. We present different bounds on Γ L ( G ) and γ L ( G ) .

On monochromatic paths and bicolored subdigraphs in arc-colored tournaments

Pietra Delgado-Escalante, Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Consider an arc-colored digraph. A set of vertices N is a kernel by monochromatic paths if all pairs of distinct vertices of N have no monochromatic directed path between them and if for every vertex v not in N there exists n ∈ N such that there is a monochromatic directed path from v to n. In this paper we prove different sufficient conditions which imply that an arc-colored tournament has a kernel by monochromatic paths. Our conditions concerns to some subdigraphs of T and its quasimonochromatic...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 373