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Embedding complete ternary trees into hypercubes

S.A. Choudum, S. Lavanya (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We inductively describe an embedding of a complete ternary tree Tₕ of height h into a hypercube Q of dimension at most ⎡(1.6)h⎤+1 with load 1, dilation 2, node congestion 2 and edge congestion 2. This is an improvement over the known embedding of Tₕ into Q. And it is very close to a conjectured embedding of Havel [3] which states that there exists an embedding of Tₕ into its optimal hypercube with load 1 and dilation 2. The optimal hypercube has dimension ⎡(log₂3)h⎤ ( = ⎡(1.585)h⎤) or ⎡(log₂3)h⎤+1....

Existence of graphs with sub exponential transitions probability decay and applications

Clément Rau (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

In this paper, we recall the existence of graphs with bounded valency such that the simple random walk has a return probability at time n at the origin of order exp ( - n α ) , for fixed α [ 0 , 1 [ and with Følner function exp ( n 2 α 1 - α ) . This result was proved by Erschler (see [4], [3]); we give a more detailed proof of this construction in the appendix. In the second part, we give an application of the existence of such graphs. We obtain bounds of the correct order for some functional of the local time of a simple random walk on...

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