Displaying 2241 – 2260 of 16555

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Calcul du nombre de classes d'un corps quadratique imaginaire ou réel, d'après Shanks, Williams, McCurley, A. K. Lenstra et Schnorr

Henri Cohen (1989)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Dans cette note nous décrivons différentes méthodes utilisées en pratique pour calculer le nombre de classes d'un corps quadratique imaginaire ou réel ainsi que pour calculer le régulateur d'un corps quadratique réel. En particulier nous décrivons l'infrastructure de Shanks ainsi que la méthode sous-exponentielle de McCurley.

Calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique dans un corps fini : aspects algorithmiques

François Morain (1995)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous décrivons dans cet article les algorithmes nécessaires à une implantation efficace de la méthode de Schoof pour le calcul du nombre de points sur une courbe elliptique dans un corps fini. Nous tentons d’unifier pour cela les idées d’Atkin et d’Elkies. En particulier, nous décrivons le calcul d’équations pour X 0 ( ) , premier, ainsi que le calcul efficace de facteurs des polynômes de division d’une courbe elliptique.

Calcul et rationalité de fonctions de Belyi en genre 0

Jean-Marc Couveignes (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

L’article comporte une méthode de calcul de fonctions de Belyi “optimales”, associées à des dessins plans. Cette étude conduit à s’interroger sur la possibilité de définir une fonction de Belyi sur le corps des modules du dessin. Pour les arbres par exemple, nous montrons que c’est toujours le cas. La preuve donne une méthode pour spécifier une telle fonction. Nous donnons ensuite un exemple de dessin qui n’admet pas de fonction de Belyi sur son corps des modules. Enfin, nous étudions la question...

Calculating a determinant associated with multiplicative functions

P. Codecá, M. Nair (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let h be a complex valued multiplicative function. For any N N , we compute the value of the determinant D N := det i | N , j | N h i , j i j where i , j denotes the greatest common divisor of i and j , which appear in increasing order in rows and columns. Precisely we prove that D N = p l N 1 p l l + 1 i = 1 l h p i - h p i - 1 τ N / p l . This means that D N 1 / τ N is a multiplicative function of N . The algebraic apparatus associated with this result allows us to prove the following two results. The first one is the characterization of real multiplicative functions f n , with 0 f p < 1 , as minimal values of certain...

Calculating all elements of minimal index in the infinite parametric family of simplest quartic fields

István Gaál, Gábor Petrányi (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

It is a classical problem in algebraic number theory to decide if a number field is monogeneous, that is if it admits power integral bases. It is especially interesting to consider this question in an infinite parametric family of number fields. In this paper we consider the infinite parametric family of simplest quartic fields K generated by a root ξ of the polynomial P t ( x ) = x 4 - t x 3 - 6 x 2 + t x + 1 , assuming that t > 0 , t 3 and t 2 + 16 has no odd square factors. In addition to generators of power integral bases we also calculate the minimal...

Calculation of the greatest common divisor of perturbed polynomials

Zítko, Jan, Eliaš, Ján (2013)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The coefficients of the greatest common divisor of two polynomials f and g (GCD ( f , g ) ) can be obtained from the Sylvester subresultant matrix S j ( f , g ) transformed to lower triangular form, where 1 j d and d = deg(GCD ( f , g ) ) needs to be computed. Firstly, it is supposed that the coefficients of polynomials are given exactly. Transformations of S j ( f , g ) for an arbitrary allowable j are in details described and an algorithm for the calculation of the GCD ( f , g ) is formulated. If inexact polynomials are given, then an approximate greatest...

Cale Bases in Algebraic Orders

Martine Picavet-L’Hermitte (2003)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Let R be a non-maximal order in a finite algebraic number field with integral closure R ¯ . Although R is not a unique factorization domain, we obtain a positive integer N and a family 𝒬 (called a Cale basis) of primary irreducible elements of R such that x N has a unique factorization into elements of 𝒬 for each x R coprime with the conductor of R . Moreover, this property holds for each nonzero x R when the natural map Spec ( R ¯ ) Spec ( R ) is bijective. This last condition is actually equivalent to several properties linked...

Can a Lucas number be a sum of three repdigits?

Chèfiath A. Adegbindin, Alain Togbé (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We give the answer to the question in the title by proving that L 18 = 5778 = 5555 + 222 + 1 is the largest Lucas number expressible as a sum of exactly three repdigits. Therefore, there are many Lucas numbers which are sums of three repdigits.

Canonical integral structures on the de Rham cohomology of curves

Bryden Cais (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

For a smooth and proper curve X K over the fraction field K of a discrete valuation ring R , we explain (under very mild hypotheses) how to equip the de Rham cohomology H dR 1 ( X K / K ) with a canonical integral structure: i.e., an R -lattice which is functorial in finite (generically étale) K -morphisms of X K and which is preserved by the cup-product auto-duality on H dR 1 ( X K / K ) . Our construction of this lattice uses a certain class of normal proper models of X K and relative dualizing sheaves. We show that our lattice naturally...

Currently displaying 2241 – 2260 of 16555