Displaying 3821 – 3840 of 16557

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Effective Nullstellensatz for arbitrary ideals

János Kollár (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let f i be polynomials in n variables without a common zero. Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz says that there are polynomials g i such that g i f i = 1 . The effective versions of this result bound the degrees of the g i in terms of the degrees of the f j . The aim of this paper is to generalize this to the case when the f i are replaced by arbitrary ideals. Applications to the Bézout theorem, to Łojasiewicz–type inequalities and to deformation theory are also discussed.

Effective results for Diophantine equations over finitely generated domains

Attila Bérczes, Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kálmán Győry (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let A be an arbitrary integral domain of characteristic 0 that is finitely generated over ℤ. We consider Thue equations F(x,y) = δ in x,y ∈ A, where F is a binary form with coefficients from A, and δ is a non-zero element from A, and hyper- and superelliptic equations f ( x ) = δ y m in x,y ∈ A, where f ∈ A[X], δ ∈ A∖0 and m 2 . Under the necessary finiteness conditions we give effective upper bounds for the sizes of the solutions of the equations in terms of appropriate representations for A, δ, F, f, m. These...

Effective simultaneous approximation of complex numbers by conjugate algebraic integers

G. J. Rieger (1993)

Acta Arithmetica

We study effectively the simultaneous approximation of n-1 different complex numbers by conjugate algebraic integers of degree n over ℤ(√-1). This is a refinement of a result of Motzkin [2] (see also [3], p. 50) who has no estimate for the remaining conjugate. If the n-1 different complex numbers lie symmetrically about the real axis, then ℤ(√-1) can be replaced by ℤ. In Section 1 we prove an effective version of a Kronecker approximation theorem; we start with an idea of H....

Efficient computation of addition chains

F. Bergeron, J. Berstel, S. Brlek (1994)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

The aim of this paper is to present a unifying approach to the computation of short addition chains. Our method is based upon continued fraction expansions. Most of the popular methods for the generation of addition chains, such as the binary method, the factor method, etc..., fit in our framework. However, we present new and better algorithms. We give a general upper bound for the complexity of continued fraction methods, as a function of a chosen strategy, thus the total number of operations required...

Eigenspaces of the ideal class group

Cornelius Greither, Radan Kučera (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The aim of this paper is to prove an analog of Gras’ conjecture for an abelian field F and an odd prime p dividing the degree [ F : ] assuming that the p -part of Gal ( F / ) group is cyclic.

Currently displaying 3821 – 3840 of 16557