Displaying 141 – 160 of 417

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Nombres self normaux

Anne Bertrand-Mathis (2013)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous inspirant de la construction de Champernowne d’un nombre normal en base 10 nous construisons un ensemble de nombres “self-normaux“ au sens de Schmeling ; cet ensemble est non dénombrable et dense dans [ 1 , [ .

Non annulation des fonctions L des formes modulaires de Hilbert au point central

Denis Trotabas (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

La conjecture de Birch et Swinnerton-Dyer donne des estimations fines sur le rang de certaines variétés abéliennes définies sur Q . Dans le cas des jacobiennes des courbes modulaires, ce problème est équivalent à l’estimation de l’ordre d’annulation en 1 / 2 des fonctions L des formes modulaires, et a été traité inconditionnellement par Kowalski, Michel et VanderKam. L’objet de ce travail est d’étendre cette approche dans le cas d’un corps totalement réel arbitraire, ce qui nécessite l’utilisation de...

Non literal tranducers and some problems of normality

François Blanchard (1993)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

A new proof of Maxfield’s theorem is given, using automata and results from Symbolic Dynamics. These techniques permit to prove that points that are near normality to base p k (resp. p ) are also near normality to base p (resp. p k ), and to study genericity preservation for non Lebesgue measures when going from one base to the other. Finally, similar results are proved to bases the golden mean and its square.

Non-abelian congruences between L -values of elliptic curves

Daniel Delbourgo, Tom Ward (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let E be a semistable elliptic curve over . We prove weak forms of Kato’s K 1 -congruences for the special values L 1 , E / ( μ p n , Δ p n ) . More precisely, we show that they are true modulo p n + 1 , rather than modulo p 2 n . Whilst not quite enough to establish that there is a non-abelian L -function living in K 1 p [ [ Gal ( ( μ p , Δ p ) / ) ] ] , they do provide strong evidence towards the existence of such an analytic object. For example, if n = 1 these verify the numerical congruences found by Tim and Vladimir Dokchitser.

Non-abelian p -adic L -functions and Eisenstein series of unitary groups – The CM method

Thanasis Bouganis (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this work we prove various cases of the so-called “torsion congruences” between abelian p -adic L -functions that are related to automorphic representations of definite unitary groups. These congruences play a central role in the non-commutative Iwasawa theory as it became clear in the works of Kakde, Ritter and Weiss on the non-abelian Main Conjecture for the Tate motive. We tackle these congruences for a general definite unitary group of n variables and we obtain more explicit results in the...

Nonaliquots and Robbins numbers

William D. Banks, Florian Luca (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let φ(·) and σ(·) denote the Euler function and the sum of divisors function, respectively. We give a lower bound for the number of m ≤ x for which the equation m = σ(n) - n has no solution. We also show that the set of positive integers m not of the form (p-1)/2 - φ(p-1) for some prime number p has a positive lower asymptotic density.

Nonanalytic automorphic integrals on the Hecke groups

Paul C. Pasles (1999)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. Since its genesis over a century ago in work of Jacobi, Riemann, Poincar ́e and Klein [Ja29, Ri53, Le64], the theory of automorphic forms has burgeoned from a branch of analytic number theory into an industry all its own. Natural extensions of the theory are to integrals [Ei57, Kn94a, KS96, Sh94], thereby encompassing Hurwitz’s prototype, the analytic weight 2 Eisenstein series [Hu81], and to nonanalytic forms [He59, Ma64, Sel56, ER74, Fr85]. A generalization in both directions...

Nonanalyticity of solutions to t u = ² x u + u ²

Grzegorz Łysik (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is proved that the solution to the initial value problem t u = ² x u + u ² , u(0,x) = 1/(1+x²), does not belong to the Gevrey class G s in time for 0 ≤ s < 1. The proof is based on an estimation of a double sum of products of binomial coefficients.

Noncirculant Toeplitz matrices all of whose powers are Toeplitz

Kent Griffin, Jeffrey L. Stuart, Michael J. Tsatsomeros (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let a , b and c be fixed complex numbers. Let M n ( a , b , c ) be the n × n Toeplitz matrix all of whose entries above the diagonal are a , all of whose entries below the diagonal are b , and all of whose entries on the diagonal are c . For 1 k n , each k × k principal minor of M n ( a , b , c ) has the same value. We find explicit and recursive formulae for the principal minors and the characteristic polynomial of M n ( a , b , c ) . We also show that all complex polynomials in M n ( a , b , c ) are Toeplitz matrices. In particular, the inverse of M n ( a , b , c ) is a Toeplitz matrix when...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 417