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Tree structure on the set of multiplicative semi-norms of Krasner algebras H(D).

K. Boussaf, N. Maïnetti, M. Hemdaoui (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Let K be an algebraically closed field, complete for an ultra- metric absolute value, let D be an infinite subset of K and let H(D) be the set of analytic elements on D. We denote by Mult(H(D), UD) the set of semi-norms Phi of the K-vector space H(D) which are continuous with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on D and which satisfy further Phi(f g)=Phi(f) Phi(g) whenever f,g elements of H(D) such that fg element of H(D). This set is provided with the topology of simple convergence....

Triangulation in o-minimal fields with standard part map

Lou van den Dries, Jana Maříková (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In answering questions of J. Maříková [Fund. Math. 209 (2010)] we prove a triangulation result that is of independent interest. In more detail, let R be an o-minimal field with a proper convex subring V, and let st: V → k be the corresponding standard part map. Under a mild assumption on (R,V) we show that a definable set X ⊆ Vⁿ admits a triangulation that induces a triangulation of its standard part st X ⊆ kⁿ.

Twists of Hessian Elliptic Curves and Cubic Fields

Katsuya Miyake (2009)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this paper we investigate Hesse’s elliptic curves H μ : U 3 + V 3 + W 3 = 3 μ U V W , μ Q - { 1 } , and construct their twists, H μ , t over quadratic fields, and H ˜ ( μ , t ) , μ , t Q over the Galois closures of cubic fields. We also show that H μ is a twist of H ˜ ( μ , t ) over the related cubic field when the quadratic field is contained in the Galois closure of the cubic field. We utilize a cubic polynomial, R ( t ; X ) : = X 3 + t X + t , t Q - { 0 , - 27 / 4 } , to parametrize all of quadratic fields and cubic ones. It should be noted that H ˜ ( μ , t ) is a twist of H μ as algebraic curves because it may not always have any rational points...

Two remarks about Picard-Vessiot extensions and elementary functions

Henryk Żołądek (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We present a simple proof of the theorem which says that for a series of extensions of differential fields K ⊂ L ⊂ M, where K ⊂ M is Picard-Vessiot, the extension K ⊂ L is Picard-Vessiot iff the differential Galois group G a l L M is a normal subgroup of G a l K M . We also present a proof that the probability function Erf(x) is not an elementary function.

Two remarks on the inverse Galois problem for intersective polynomials

Jack Sonn (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

A (monic) polynomial f ( x ) [ x ] is called intersective if the congruence f ( x ) 0 mod m has a solution for all positive integers m . Call f ( x ) nontrivially intersective if it is intersective and has no rational root. It was proved by the author that every finite noncyclic solvable group G can be realized as the Galois group over of a nontrivially intersective polynomial (noncyclic is a necessary condition). Our first remark is the observation that the corresponding result for nonsolvable G reduces to the ordinary...

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