Displaying 221 – 240 of 372

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Algebraic integrability for minimum energy curves

Ivan Yudin, Fátima Silva Leite (2015)


This paper deals with integrability issues of the Euler-Lagrange equations associated to a variational problem, where the energy function depends on acceleration and drag. Although the motivation came from applications to path planning of underwater robot manipulators, the approach is rather theoretical and the main difficulties result from the fact that the power needed to push an object through a fluid increases as the cube of its speed.

Algebraic Methods for Studying Interactions Between Epidemiological Variables

F. Ricceri, C. Fassino, G. Matullo, M. Roggero, M.-L. Torrente, P. Vineis, L. Terracini (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

BackgroundIndependence models among variables is one of the most relevant topics in epidemiology, particularly in molecular epidemiology for the study of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. They have been studied using three main kinds of analysis: regression analysis, data mining approaches and Bayesian model selection. Recently, methods of algebraic statistics have been extensively used for applications to biology. In this paper we present...

Algebraic properties of rings of continuous functions

M. Mulero (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper is devoted to the study of algebraic properties of rings of continuous functions. Our aim is to show that these rings, even if they are highly non-noetherian, have properties quite similar to the elementary properties of noetherian rings: we give going-up and going-down theorems, a characterization of z-ideals and of primary ideals having as radical a maximal ideal and a flatness criterion which is entirely analogous to the one for modules over principal ideal domains.

Algebras with finitely generated invariant subalgebras

Ivan V. Arzhantsev (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We classify all finitely generated integral algebras with a rational action of a reductive group such that any invariant subalgebra is finitely generated. Some results on affine embeddings of homogeneous spaces are also given.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 372