Algébricité des fonctions méromorphes prenant certaines valeurs algébriques
We present algorithms and their implementation in the computer algebra system Singular 2.0 for the computation of equations for moduli spaces for semiquasihomogeneous singularities w.r.t. right equivalence. In addition, we describe the structure of the stabilizer group of Brieskorn-Pham singularities.
Let R be a subring of the rationals. We want to investigate self splitting R-modules G, that is, such that . For simplicity we will call such modules splitters (see [10]). Also other names like stones are used (see a dictionary in Ringel’s paper [8]). Our investigation continues [5]. In [5] we answered an open problem by constructing a large class of splitters. Classical splitters are free modules and torsion-free, algebraically compact ones. In [5] we concentrated on splitters which are larger...
Commutative rings all of whose quotients over non-zero ideals are perfect rings are called almost perfect. Revisiting a paper by J. R. Smith on local domains with TTN, some basic results on these domains and their modules are obtained. Various examples of local almost perfect domains with different features are exhibited.
This paper is a continuation of the investigation of almost Prüfer v-multiplication domains (APVMDs) begun by Li [Algebra Colloq., to appear]. We show that an integral domain D is an APVMD if and only if D is a locally APVMD and D is well behaved. We also prove that D is an APVMD if and only if the integral closure D̅ of D is a PVMD, D ⊆ D̅ is a root extension and D is t-linked under D̅. We introduce the notion of an almost t-splitting set. denotes the ring , where S is a multiplicatively closed...
In this paper we establish some new characterizations for -rings and Noetherian -rings.
In this paper we establish some conditions for an almost -domain to be a -domain. Next -lattices satisfying the union condition on primes are characterized. Using these results, some new characterizations are given for -rings.
Let R be a unital commutative ring and A a unital R-algebra. We introduce the category of E(A,R)-modules which is a natural extension of the category of E-modules. The properties of E(A,R)-modules are studied; in particular we consider the subclass of E(R)-algebras. This subclass is of special interest since it coincides with the class of E-rings in the case R = ℤ. Assuming diamond ⋄, almost-free E(R)-algebras of cardinality κ are constructed for any regular non-weakly compact cardinal κ > ℵ...
Let R be a subring of the rational numbers ℚ. We recall from [3] that an R-module G is a splitter if . In this note we correct the statement of Main Theorem 1.5 in [3] and discuss the existence of non-free splitters of cardinality ℵ₁ under the negation of the special continuum hypothesis CH.