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Fonctions à valeurs entières et module de Carlitz

David Adam (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Soient C le module de Carlitz, H un polynôme de 𝔽 q [ T ] et 𝔖 l’ensemble { C a ( H ) a 𝔽 q [ T ] } . Nous montrons qu’une fonction entière de type quadratique < 1 4 deg H qui prend des valeurs entières sur 𝔖 , est polynomiale. De plus, la borne 1 4 deg H est optimale. Ceci est un analogue en caractéristique finie du théorème de Gel’fond-Pólya.

Formal deformation of curves with group scheme action

Stefan Wewers (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study equivariant deformations of singular curves with an action of a finite flat group scheme, using a simplified version of Illusie's equivariant cotangent complex. We apply these methods in a special case which is relevant for the study of the stable reduction of three point covers.

Formal prime ideals of infinite value and their algebraic resolution

Steven Dale Cutkosky, Samar ElHitti (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Suppose that R is a local domain essentially of finite type over a field of characteristic 0 , and ν a valuation of the quotient field of R which dominates R . The rank of such a valuation often increases upon extending the valuation to a valuation dominating R ^ , the completion of R . When the rank of ν is 1 , Cutkosky and Ghezzi handle this phenomenon by resolving the prime ideal of infinite value, but give an example showing that when the rank is greater than 1 , there is no natural ideal in R ^ that...

Formal relations between quasianalytic functions of some fixed class

F. Broglia, A. Elkhadiri, F. Pieroni (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In [Ga] Gabrielov has given conditions under which the completion of the kernel of a morphism φ: A → B between analytic rings coincides with the kernel of the induced morphism φ̂: Â → B̂ between the completions. If B is a domain, a sufficient condition is that rk φ = dim(Â/ker φ̂), where rk φ is the rank of the jacobian matrix of φ considered as a matrix over the quotient field of B. We prove that the above property holds in a fixed quasianalytic Denjoy-Carleman class if and only if the class coincides...

Formes d'inertie et complexe de Koszul associés à des polynômes plurihomogènes.

Azzouz Awane, Abdelouahab Chkiriba, Michel Goze (2005)

Revista Matemática Complutense

The existence of common zero of a family of polynomials has led to the study of inertial forms, whose homogeneous part of degree 0 constitutes the ideal resultant. The Kozsul and Cech cohomologies groups play a fundamental role in this study. An analogueous of Hurwitz theorem is given, and also, one finds a N. H. McCoy theorem in a particular case of this study.

Fragmented deformations of primitive multiple curves

Jean-Marc Drézet (2013)

Open Mathematics

A primitive multiple curve is a Cohen-Macaulay irreducible projective curve Y that can be locally embedded in a smooth surface, and such that Y red is smooth. We study the deformations of Y to curves with smooth irreducible components, when the number of components is maximal (it is then the multiplicity n of Y). We are particularly interested in deformations to n disjoint smooth irreducible components, which are called fragmented deformations. We describe them completely. We give also a characterization...

Fréchet algebras, formal power series, and automatic continuity

S. R. Patel (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We describe all those commutative Fréchet algebras which may be continuously embedded in the algebra ℂ[[X]] in such a way that they contain the polynomials. It is shown that these algebras (except ℂ[[X]] itself) always satisfy a certain equicontinuity condition due to Loy. Using this result, some applications to the theory of automatic continuity are given; in particular, the uniqueness of the Fréchet algebra topology for such algebras is established.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 104