Displaying 61 – 80 of 108

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Precobalanced and cobalanced sequences of modules over domains

Anthony Giovannitti, H. Pat Goeters (2007)

Mathematica Bohemica

The class of pure submodules ( 𝒫 ) and torsion-free images ( ) of finite direct sums of submodules of the quotient field of an integral domain were first investigated by M. C. R. Butler for the ring of integers (1965). In this case 𝒫 = and short exact sequences of such modules are both prebalanced and precobalanced. This does not hold for integral domains in general. In this paper the notion of precobalanced sequences of modules is further investigated. It is shown that as in the case for abelian groups...

Prescribing endomorphism algebras of n -free modules

Rüdiger Göbel, Daniel Herden, Saharon Shelah (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

It is a well-known fact that modules over a commutative ring in general cannot be classified, and it is also well-known that we have to impose severe restrictions on either the ring or on the class of modules to solve this problem. One of the restrictions on the modules comes from freeness assumptions which have been intensively studied in recent decades. Two interesting, distinct but typical examples are the papers by Blass [1] and Eklof [8], both jointly with Shelah. In the first case the authors...

Pretty cleanness and filter-regular sequences

Somayeh Bandari, Kamran Divaani-Aazar, Ali Soleyman Jahan (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K be a field and S = K [ x 1 , ... , x n ] . Let I be a monomial ideal of S and u 1 , ... , u r be monomials in S . We prove that if u 1 , ... , u r form a filter-regular sequence on S / I , then S / I is pretty clean if and only if S / ( I , u 1 , ... , u r ) is pretty clean. Also, we show that if u 1 , ... , u r form a filter-regular sequence on S / I , then Stanley’s conjecture is true for S / I if and only if it is true for S / ( I , u 1 , ... , u r ) . Finally, we prove that if u 1 , ... , u r is a minimal set of generators for I which form either a d -sequence, proper sequence or strong s -sequence (with respect to the reverse lexicographic...

Primary elements in Prüfer lattices

C. Jayaram (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we study primary elements in Prüfer lattices and characterize α -lattices in terms of Prüfer lattices. Next we study weak ZPI-lattices and characterize almost principal element lattices and principal element lattices in terms of ZPI-lattices.

Prime and primary submodules of certain modules

A. Amini, B. Amini, Habib Sharif (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we characterize all prime and primary submodules of the free R -module R n for a principal ideal domain R and find the minimal primary decomposition of any submodule of R n . In the case n = 2 , we also determine the height of prime submodules.

Prime, weakly prime and almost prime elements in multiplication lattice modules

Emel Aslankarayigit Ugurlu, Fethi Callialp, Unsal Tekir (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we study multiplication lattice modules. We establish a new multiplication over elements of a multiplication lattice module.With this multiplication, we characterize idempotent element, prime element, weakly prime element and almost prime element in multiplication lattice modules.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 108