Displaying 181 – 200 of 921

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À la recherche de petites sommes d'exponentielles

Étienne Fouvry, Philippe Michel (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit f ( x ) une fraction rationnelle à coefficients entiers, vérifiant des hypothèses assez générales. On prouve l’existence d’une infinité d’entiers n , ayant exactement deux facteurs premiers, tels que la somme d’exponentielles x = 1 n exp ( 2 π i f ( x ) / n ) soit en O ( n 1 2 - β f ) , où β f > 0 est une constante ne dépendant que de la géométrie de f . On donne aussi des résultats de répartition du type Sato-Tate, pour certaines sommes de Salié, modulo n , avec n entier comme ci- dessus.

A limit linear series moduli scheme

Brian Osserman (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We develop a new, more functorial construction for the basic theory of limit linear series, which provides a compactification of the Eisenbud-Harris theory. In an appendix, in order to obtain the necessary dimensional lower bounds on our limit linear series scheme we develop a theory of “linked Grassmannians”; these are schemes parametrizing sub-bundles of a sequence of vector bundles, which map into one another under fixed maps of the ambient bundles.

A linear extension operator for Whitney fields on closed o-minimal sets

Wiesław Pawłucki (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A continuous linear extension operator, different from Whitney’s, for 𝒞 p -Whitney fields (p finite) on a closed o-minimal subset of n is constructed. The construction is based on special geometrical properties of o-minimal sets earlier studied by K. Kurdyka with the author.

A local-global principle for rational isogenies of prime degree

Andrew V. Sutherland (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let K be a number field. We consider a local-global principle for elliptic curves E / K that admit (or do not admit) a rational isogeny of prime degree . For suitable K (including K = ), we prove that this principle holds for all 1 mod 4 , and for < 7 , but find a counterexample when = 7 for an elliptic curve with j -invariant 2268945 / 128 . For K = we show that, up to isomorphism, this is the only counterexample.

A metric graph satisfying [...] w 4 1 = 1 w 4 1 = 1 that cannot be lifted to a curve satisfying [...] dim ⁡   ( W 4 1 ) = 1 dim ( W 4 1 ) = 1

Marc Coppens (2016)

Open Mathematics

For all integers g ≥ 6 we prove the existence of a metric graph G with [...] w41=1 w 4 1 = 1 such that G has Clifford index 2 and there is no tropical modification G′ of G such that there exists a finite harmonic morphism of degree 2 from G′ to a metric graph of genus 1. Those examples show that not all dimension theorems on the space classifying special linear systems for curves have immediate translation to the theory of divisors on metric graphs.

A minimal Set of Generators for the Ring of multisymmetric Functions

David Rydh (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The purpose of this article is to give, for any (commutative) ring A , an explicit minimal set of generators for the ring of multisymmetric functions T S A d ( A [ x 1 , , x r ] ) = A [ x 1 , , x r ] A d 𝔖 d as an A -algebra. In characteristic zero, i.e. when A is a -algebra, a minimal set of generators has been known since the 19th century. A rather small generating set in the general case has also recently been given by Vaccarino but it is not minimal in general. We also give a sharp degree bound on the generators, improving the degree bound previously...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 921