Displaying 121 – 140 of 274

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Finite extensions of mappings from a smooth variety

Marek Karaś (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let V, W be algebraic subsets of k n , k m respectively, with n ≤ m. It is known that any finite polynomial mapping f: V → W can be extended to a finite polynomial mapping F : k n k m . The main goal of this paper is to estimate from above the geometric degree of a finite extension F : k n k n of a dominating mapping f: V → W, where V and W are smooth algebraic sets.

Finite orbit decomposition of real flag manifolds

Bernhard Krötz, Henrik Schlichtkrull (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let G be a connected real semi-simple Lie group and H a closed connected subgroup. Let P be a minimal parabolic subgroup of G . It is shown that H has an open orbit on the flag manifold G / P if and only if it has finitely many orbits on G / P . This confirms a conjecture by T. Matsuki.

Finite projective planes, Fermat curves, and Gaussian periods

Koen Thas, Don Zagier (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

One of the oldest and most fundamental problems in the theory of finite projective planes is to classify those having a group which acts transitively on the incident point-line pairs (flags). The conjecture is that the only ones are the Desarguesian projective planes (over a finite field). In this paper, we show that non-Desarguesian finite flag-transitive projective planes exist if and only if certain Fermat surfaces have no nontrivial rational points, and formulate several other equivalences involving...

Finite subschemes of abelian varieties and the Schottky problem

Martin G. Gulbrandsen, Martí Lahoz (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The Castelnuovo-Schottky theorem of Pareschi-Popa characterizes Jacobians, among indecomposable principally polarized abelian varieties ( A , Θ ) of dimension g , by the existence of g + 2 points Γ A in special position with respect to 2 Θ , but general with respect to Θ , and furthermore states that such collections of points must be contained in an Abel-Jacobi curve. Building on the ideas in the original paper, we give here a self contained, scheme theoretic proof of the theorem, extending it to finite, possibly...

Finiteness of cominuscule quantum K -theory

Anders S. Buch, Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Nicolas Perrin (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

The product of two Schubert classes in the quantum K -theory ring of a homogeneous space X = G / P is a formal power series with coefficients in the Grothendieck ring of algebraic vector bundles on  X . We show that if X is cominuscule, then this power series has only finitely many non-zero terms. The proof is based on a geometric study of boundary Gromov-Witten varieties in the Kontsevich moduli space, consisting of stable maps to  X that take the marked points to general Schubert varieties and whose domains...

Finiteness problems on Nash manifolds and Nash sets

José F. Fernando, José Manuel Gamboa, Jesús M. Ruiz (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study here several finiteness problems concerning affine Nash manifolds M and Nash subsets X . Three main results are: (i) A Nash function on a semialgebraic subset Z of M has a Nash extension to an open semialgebraic neighborhood of Z in M , (ii) A Nash set X that has only normal crossings in M can be covered by finitely many open semialgebraic sets U equipped with Nash diffeomorphisms ( u 1 , , u m ) : U m such that U X = { u 1 u r = 0 } , (iii) Every affine Nash manifold with corners N is a closed subset of an affine Nash manifold...

Finiteness results for Abelian tree models

Jan Draisma, Rob H. Eggermont (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Equivariant tree models are statistical models used in the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from genetic data. Here equivariant§ refers to a symmetry group imposed on the root distribution and on the transition matrices in the model. We prove that if that symmetry group is Abelian, then the Zariski closures of these models are defined by polynomial equations of bounded degree, independent of the tree. Moreover, we show that there exists a polynomial-time membership test for that Zariski closure....

Finiteness results for Hilbert's irreducibility theorem

Peter Müller (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let k be a number field, 𝒪 k its ring of integers, and f ( t , X ) k ( t ) [ X ] be an irreducible polynomial. Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem gives infinitely many integral specializations t t ¯ 𝒪 k such that f ( t ¯ , X ) is still irreducible. In this paper we study the set Red f ( 𝒪 k ) of those t ¯ 𝒪 k with f ( t ¯ , X ) reducible. We show that Red f ( 𝒪 k ) is a finite set under rather weak assumptions. In particular, previous results obtained by diophantine approximation techniques, appear as special cases of some of our results. Our method is different. We use elementary group...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 274