Displaying 141 – 160 of 274

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Finiteness results for Teichmüller curves

Martin Möller (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that for each genus there are only finitely many algebraically primitive Teichmüller curves C , such that (i) C lies in the hyperelliptic locus and (ii) C is generated by an abelian differential with two zeros of order g - 1 . We prove moreover that for these Teichmüller curves the trace field of the affine group is not only totally real but cyclotomic.

Five-gonal curves of genus nine.

Marc Coppens (2005)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let C be a smooth 5-gonal curve of genus 9. Assume all linear systems g15 on C are of type I (i.e. they can be counted with multiplicity 1) and let m be the numer of linear systems g15 on C. The only possibilities are m=1; m=2; m=3 and m=6. Each of those possibilities occur.

Fixed points for reductive group actions on acyclic varieties

Martin Fankhauser (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let X be a smooth, affine complex variety, which, considered as a complex manifold, has the singular -cohomology of a point. Suppose that G is a complex algebraic group acting algebraically on X . Our main results are the following: if G is semi-simple, then the generic fiber of the quotient map π : X X / / G contains a dense orbit. If G is connected and reductive, then the action has fixed points if dim X / / G 3 .

Flasque resolutions of reductive group schemes

Cristian González-Avilés (2013)

Open Mathematics

We generalize Colliot-Thélène’s construction of flasque resolutions of reductive group schemes over a field to a broad class of base schemes.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 274