Displaying 161 – 180 of 278

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Moduli Spaces of PU ( 2 ) -Instantons on Minimal Class VII Surfaces with b 2 = 1

Konrad Schöbel (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe explicitly the moduli spaces g pst ( S , E ) of polystable holomorphic structures with det 𝒦 on a rank two vector bundle E with c 1 ( E ) = c 1 ( K ) and c 2 ( E ) = 0 for all minimal class VII surfaces S with b 2 ( S ) = 1 and with respect to all possible Gauduchon metrics g . These surfaces S are non-elliptic and non-Kähler complex surfaces and have recently been completely classified. When S is a half or parabolic Inoue surface, g pst ( S , E ) is always a compact one-dimensional complex disc. When S is an Enoki surface, one obtains a complex disc with finitely...

Moduli spaces of stable pairs and non-abelian zeta functions of curves via wall-crossing

Sergey Mozgovoy, Markus Reineke (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques

In this paper we study and relate the non-abelian zeta functions introduced by Weng and invariants of the moduli spaces of arbitrary rank stable pairs over curves. We prove a wall-crossing formula for the latter invariants and obtain an explicit formula for these invariants in terms of the motive of a curve. Previously, formulas for these invariants were known only for rank 2 due to Thaddeus and for rank 3 due to Muñoz. Using these results we obtain an explicit formula for the non-abelian zeta functions,...

Moduli stacks of polarized K3 surfaces in mixed characteristic

Rizov, Jordan (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14J28, 14D22.In this note we define moduli stacks of (primitively) polarized K3 spaces. We show that they are representable by Deligne-Mumford stacks over Spec(Z). Further, we look at K3 spaces with a level structure. Our main result is that the moduli functors of K3 spaces with a primitive polarization of degree 2d and a level structure are representable by smooth algebraic spaces over open parts of Spec(Z). To do this we use ideas of Grothendieck, Deligne,...

Moment-angle complexes from simplicial posets

Zhi Lü, Taras Panov (2011)

Open Mathematics

We extend the construction of moment-angle complexes to simplicial posets by associating a certain T m-space Z S to an arbitrary simplicial poset S on m vertices. Face rings ℤ[S] of simplicial posets generalise those of simplicial complexes, and give rise to new classes of Gorenstein and Cohen-Macaulay rings. Our primary motivation is to study the face rings ℤ[S] by topological methods. The space Z S has many important topological properties of the original moment-angle complex Z K associated to...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 278