Displaying 61 – 80 of 101

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On the moduli b-divisors of lc-trivial fibrations

Osamu Fujino, Yoshinori Gongyo (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Roughly speaking, by using the semi-stable minimal model program, we prove that the moduli part of an lc-trivial fibration coincides with that of a klt-trivial fibration induced by adjunction after taking a suitable generically finite cover. As an application, we obtain that the moduli part of an lc-trivial fibration is b-nef and abundant by Ambro’s result on klt-trivial fibrations.

On the number of compatibly Frobenius split subvarieties, prime F -ideals, and log canonical centers

Karl Schwede, Kevin Tucker (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a projective Frobenius split variety with a fixed Frobenius splitting θ . In this paper we give a sharp uniform bound on the number of subvarieties of X which are compatibly Frobenius split with θ . Similarly, we give a bound on the number of prime F -ideals of an F -finite F -pure local ring. Finally, we also give a bound on the number of log canonical centers of a log canonical pair. This final variant extends a special case of a result of Helmke.

On the Picard number of divisors in Fano manifolds

Cinzia Casagrande (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let  X be a complex Fano manifold of arbitrary dimension, and D a prime divisor in  X . We consider the image 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) of  𝒩 1 ( D ) in  𝒩 1 ( X ) under the natural push-forward of 1 -cycles. We show that ρ X - ρ D codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 8 . Moreover if codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) 3 , then either X S × T where S is a Del Pezzo surface, or codim 𝒩 1 ( D , X ) = 3 and X has a fibration in Del Pezzo surfaces onto a Fano manifold T such that ρ X - ρ T = 4 .

Quadratic forms and singularities of genus one or two

Georges Dloussky (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We study singularities obtained by the contraction of the maximal divisor in compact (non-kählerian) surfaces which contain global spherical shells. These singularities are of genus 1 or 2, may be -Gorenstein, numerically Gorenstein or Gorenstein. A family of polynomials depending on the configuration of the curves computes the discriminants of the quadratic forms of these singularities. We introduce a multiplicative branch topological invariant which determines the twisting coefficient of a non-vanishing...

Quasi-lines and their degenerations

Laurent Bonavero, Andreas Höring (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

In this paper we study the structure of manifolds that contain a quasi-line and give some evidence towards the fact that the irreducible components of degenerations of the quasi-line should determine the Mori cone. We show that the minimality with respect to a quasi-line yields strong restrictions on fibre space structures of the manifold.

Real algebraic threefolds I. Terminal singularities.

János Kollár (1998)

Collectanea Mathematica

The aim of this series of papers is to develop the theory of minimal models for real algebraic threefolds. The ultimate aim is to understand the topology of the set of real points of real algebraic threefolds. We pay special attention to 3–folds which are birational to projective space and, more generally, to 3–folds of Kodaira dimension minus infinity.present work contains the beginning steps of this program. First we classify 3–dimensional terminal singularities over any field of characteristic...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 101