Displaying 61 – 80 of 302

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Explicit birational geometry of threefolds of general type, I

Jungkai A. Chen, Meng Chen (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let V be a complex nonsingular projective 3-fold of general type. We prove P 12 ( V ) : = dim H 0 ( V , 12 K V ) > 0 and P m 0 ( V ) > 1 for some positive integer m 0 24 . A direct consequence is the birationality of the pluricanonical map ϕ m for all m 126 . Besides, the canonical volume Vol ( V ) has a universal lower bound ν ( 3 ) 1 63 · 126 2 .

Extension of maps defined on many fibres.

Miguel A. Barja, Juan Carlos Naranjo (1998)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let S be a fibred surface. We prove that the existence of morphisms from non countably many fibres to curves implies, up to base change, the existence of a rational map from S to another surface fibred over the same base reflecting the properties of the original morphisms. Under some conditions of unicity base change is not needed and one recovers exactly the initial maps.

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