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Espace des germes d'arcs réels et série de Poincaré d'un ensemble semi-algébrique

Ronan Quarez (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous définissons l’espace des germes d’arcs réels tracés sur un ensemble semi-algébrique de n , analogue réel de la théorie développée par Denef et Loeser concernant l’espace des germes d’arcs tracés sur une variété algébrique complexe. Puis, reprenant leur méthodes, nous prouvons la rationalité de la série de Poincaré associée à un ensemble semi-algébrique.

Examples of functions -extendable for each finite, but not -extendable

Wiesław Pawłucki (1998)

Banach Center Publications

In Example 1, we describe a subset X of the plane and a function on X which has a k -extension to the whole 2 for each finite, but has no -extension to 2 . In Example 2, we construct a similar example of a subanalytic subset of 5 ; much more sophisticated than the first one. The dimensions given here are smallest possible.

Expansions of subfields of the real field by a discrete set

Philipp Hieronymi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let K be a subfield of the real field, D ⊆ K be a discrete set and f: Dⁿ → K be such that f(Dⁿ) is somewhere dense. Then (K,f) defines ℤ. We present several applications of this result. We show that K expanded by predicates for different cyclic multiplicative subgroups defines ℤ. Moreover, we prove that every definably complete expansion of a subfield of the real field satisfies an analogue of the Baire category theorem.

Explicit bounds for the Łojasiewicz exponent in the gradient inequality for polynomials

Didier D'Acunto, Krzysztof Kurdyka (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a polynomial function of degree d with f(0) = 0 and ∇f(0) = 0. Łojasiewicz’s gradient inequality states that there exist C > 0 and ϱ ∈ (0,1) such that | f | C | f | ϱ in a neighbourhood of the origin. We prove that the smallest such exponent ϱ is not greater than 1 - R ( n , d ) - 1 with R ( n , d ) = d ( 3 d - 3 ) n - 1 .

Exposants de Lojasiewicz dans le cas semi-algebrique p-adique

Azzeddine Fekak, Ahmed Srhir (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove the rationality of the Łojasiewicz exponent for p-adic semi-algebraic functions without compactness hypothesis. In the parametric case, we show that the parameter space can be divided into a finite number of semi-algebraic sets on each of which the Łojasiewicz exponent is constant.

Exposants de Łojasiewicz pour les fonctions semi-algébriques

Azzeddine Fekak (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove the rationality of the Łojasiewicz exponent for semialgebraic functions without compactness hypothesis. In the parametric situation, we show that the parameter space can be divided into a finite number of semialgebraic sets on each of which the Łojasiewicz exponent is constant.

Extending algebraic actions.

Arthur G. Wasserman (1999)

Revista Matemática Complutense

There is a well-known procedure -induction- for extending an action of a subgroup H of a Lie group G on a topological space X to an action of G on an associated space. Induction can also extend a smooth action of a subgroup H of a Lie group G on a manifold M to a smooth action of G on an associated manifold. In this paper elementary methods are used to show that induction also works in the category of (nonsingular) real algebraic varieties and regular or entire maps if G is a compact abelian Lie...

Extending analyticK-subanalytic functions

Artur Piękosz (2004)

Open Mathematics

Letg:U→ℝ (U open in ℝn) be an analytic and K-subanalytic (i. e. definable in ℝanK, whereK, the field of exponents, is any subfield ofℝ) function. Then the set of points, denoted Σ, whereg does not admit an analytic extension is K-subanalytic andg can be extended analytically to a neighbourhood of Ū.

Extending o-minimal Fréchet derivatives

Andreas Fischer (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate several extension properties of Fréchet differentiable functions defined on closed sets for o-minimal expansions of real closed fields.

Extending piecewise polynomial functions in two variables

Andreas Fischer, Murray Marshall (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We study the extensibility of piecewise polynomial functions defined on closed subsets of 2 to all of 2 . The compact subsets of 2 on which every piecewise polynomial function is extensible to 2 can be characterized in terms of local quasi-convexity if they are definable in an o-minimal expansion of . Even the noncompact closed definable subsets can be characterized if semialgebraic function germs at infinity are dense in the Hardy field of definable germs. We also present a piecewise polynomial...

Extending Tamm's theorem

Lou van den Dries, Chris Miller (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We extend a result of M. Tamm as follows:Let f : A , A m + n , be definable in the ordered field of real numbers augmented by all real analytic functions on compact boxes and all power functions x x r : ( 0 , ) , r . Then there exists N such that for all ( a , b ) A , if y f ( a , y ) is C N in a neighborhood of b , then y f ( a , y ) is real analytic in a neighborhood of b .

Extension of the Two-Variable Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture to generalized polynomials

Charles N. Delzell (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Let h : n be a continuous, piecewise-polynomial function. The Pierce-Birkhoff conjecture (1956) is that any such h is representable in the form sup i inf j f i j , for some finite collection of polynomials f i j [ x 1 , ... , x n ] . (A simple example is h ( x 1 ) = | x 1 | = sup { x 1 , - x 1 } .) In 1984, L. Mahé and, independently, G. Efroymson, proved this for n 2 ; it remains open for n 3 . In this paper we prove an analogous result for “generalized polynomials” (also known as signomials), i.e., where the exponents are allowed to be arbitrary real numbers, and not just natural numbers;...

Felix Klein's paper on real flexes vindicated

Felice Ronga (1998)

Banach Center Publications

In a paper written in 1876 [4], Felix Klein gave a formula relating the number of real flexes of a generic real plane projective curve to the number of real bitangents at non-real points and the degree, which shows in particular that the number of real flexes cannot exceed one third of the total number of flexes. We show that Klein's arguments can be made rigorous using a little of the theory of singularities of maps, justifying in particular his resort to explicit examples.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 470