Displaying 201 – 220 of 565

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On Lie ideals and Jordan left derivations of prime rings

Mohammad Ashraf, Nadeem-ur-Rehman (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let R be a 2-torsion free prime ring and let U be a Lie ideal of R such that u 2 U for all u U . In the present paper it is shown that if d is an additive mappings of R into itself satisfying d ( u 2 ) = 2 u d ( u ) for all u U , then d ( u v ) = u d ( v ) + v d ( u ) for all u , v U .

On lifting of idempotents and semiregular endomorphism rings

Tsiu-Kwen Lee, Yiqiang Zhou (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Starting with some observations on (strong) lifting of idempotents, we characterize a module whose endomorphism ring is semiregular with respect to the ideal of endomorphisms with small image. This is the dual of Yamagata's work [Colloq. Math. 113 (2008)] on a module whose endomorphism ring is semiregular with respect to the ideal of endomorphisms with large kernel.

On linear operators strongly preserving invariants of Boolean matrices

Yizhi Chen, Xian Zhong Zhao (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝔹 k be the general Boolean algebra and T a linear operator on M m , n ( 𝔹 k ) . If for any A in M m , n ( 𝔹 k ) ( M n ( 𝔹 k ) , respectively), A is regular (invertible, respectively) if and only if T ( A ) is regular (invertible, respectively), then T is said to strongly preserve regular (invertible, respectively) matrices. In this paper, we will give complete characterizations of the linear operators that strongly preserve regular (invertible, respectively) matrices over 𝔹 k . Meanwhile, noting that a general Boolean algebra 𝔹 k is isomorphic...

On local derivations in the Kadison sense

Andrzej Nowicki (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let k be a field. We prove that any polynomial ring over k is a Kadison algebra if and only if k is infinite. Moreover, we present some new examples of Kadison algebras and examples of algebras which are not Kadison algebras.

On local weak crossed product orders

Th. Theohari-Apostolidi, A. Tompoulidou (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let Λ = (S/R,α) be a local weak crossed product order in the crossed product algebra A = (L/K,α) with integral cocycle, and H = σ G a l ( L / K ) | α ( σ , σ - 1 ) S * the inertial group of α, for S* the group of units of S. We give a condition for the first ramification group of L/K to be a subgroup of H. Moreover we describe the Jacobson radical of Λ without restriction on the ramification of L/K.

On Matlis dualizing modules.

Enochs, Edgar E., López-Ramos, J.A., Torrecillas, B. (2002)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On McCoy condition and semicommutative rings

Mohamed Louzari (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be a ring and σ an endomorphism of R . We give a generalization of McCoy’s Theorem [ Annihilators in polynomial rings, Amer. Math. Monthly 64 (1957), 28–29] to the setting of skew polynomial rings of the form R [ x ; σ ] . As a consequence, we will show some results on semicommutative and σ -skew McCoy rings. Also, several relations among McCoyness, Nagata extensions and Armendariz rings and modules are studied.

On minimal non-tilted algebras

Flávio U. Coelho, José A. de la Peña, Sonia Trepode (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A minimal non-tilted triangular algebra such that any proper semiconvex subcategory is tilted is called a tilt-semicritical algebra. We study the tilt-semicritical algebras which are quasitilted or one-point extensions of tilted algebras of tame hereditary type. We establish inductive procedures to decide whether or not a given strongly simply connected algebra is tilted.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 565