Displaying 3261 – 3280 of 3959

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VNR rings, Π -regular rings and annihilators

Roger Yue Chi Ming (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Von Neumann regular rings, hereditary rings, semi-simple Artinian rings, self-injective regular rings are characterized. Rings which are either strongly regular or semi-simple Artinian are considered. Annihilator ideals and Π -regular rings are studied. Properties of WGP-injectivity are developed.

Wakamatsu tilting modules with finite injective dimension

Guoqiang Zhao, Lirong Yin (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a left Noetherian ring, S a right Noetherian ring and R ω a Wakamatsu tilting module with S = End ( R ω ) . We introduce the notion of the ω -torsionfree dimension of finitely generated R -modules and give some criteria for computing it. For any n 0 , we prove that l . id R ( ω ) = r . id S ( ω ) n if and only if every finitely generated left R -module and every finitely generated right S -module have ω -torsionfree dimension at most n , if and only if every finitely generated left R -module (or right S -module) has generalized Gorenstein dimension...

Warfield invariants in abelian group rings.

Peter V. Danchev (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

Let R be a perfect commutative unital ring without zero divisors of char(R) = p and let G be a multiplicative abelian group. Then the Warfield p-invariants of the normed unit group V (RG) are computed only in terms of R and G. These cardinal-to-ordinal functions, combined with the Ulm-Kaplansky p-invariants, completely determine the structure of V (RG) whenever G is a Warfield p-mixed group.

Weak Baer modules over graded rings

Mark Teply, Blas Torrecillas (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In [2], Fuchs and Viljoen introduced and classified the B * -modules for a valuation ring R: an R-module M is a B * -module if E x t R 1 ( M , X ) = 0 for each divisible module X and each torsion module X with bounded order. The concept of a B * -module was extended to the setting of a torsion theory over an associative ring in [14]. In the present paper, we use categorical methods to investigate the B * -modules for a group graded ring. Our most complete result (Theorem 4.10) characterizes B * -modules for a strongly graded ring R...

Weak dimension of group-graded rings.

Angel del Río (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We study the weak dimension of a group-graded ring using methods developed in [B1], [Q] and [R]. We prove that if R is a G-graded ring with G locally finite and the order of every subgroup of G is invertible in R, then the graded weak dimension of R is equal to the ungraded one.

Weak dimensions and Gorenstein weak dimensions of group rings

Yueming Xiang (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K be a field, and let G be a group. In the present paper, we investigate when the group ring K [ G ] has finite weak dimension and finite Gorenstein weak dimension. We give some analogous versions of Serre’s theorem for the weak dimension and the Gorenstein weak dimension.

Weak Krull-Schmidt theorem

Ladislav Bican (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Recently, A. Facchini [3] showed that the classical Krull-Schmidt theorem fails for serial modules of finite Goldie dimension and he proved a weak version of this theorem within this class. In this remark we shall build this theory axiomatically and then we apply the results obtained to a class of some modules that are torsionfree with respect to a given hereditary torsion theory. As a special case we obtain that the weak Krull-Schmidt theorem holds for the class of modules that are both uniform...

Weak multiplication modules over a pullback of Dedekind domains

S. Ebrahimi Atani, F. Farzalipour (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let R be the pullback, in the sense of Levy [J. Algebra 71 (1981)], of two local Dedekind domains. We classify all those indecomposable weak multiplication R-modules M with finite-dimensional top, that is, such that M/Rad(R)M is finite-dimensional over R/Rad(R). We also establish a connection between the weak multiplication modules and the pure-injective modules over such domains.

Weak multiplier Hopf algebras. Preliminaries, motivation and basic examples

Alfons Van Daele, Shuanhong Wang (2012)

Banach Center Publications

Let G be a finite group. Consider the algebra A of all complex functions on G (with pointwise product). Define a coproduct Δ on A by Δ(f)(p,q) = f(pq) where f ∈ A and p,q ∈ G. Then (A,Δ) is a Hopf algebra. If G is only a groupoid, so that the product of two elements is not always defined, one still can consider A and define Δ(f)(p,q) as above when pq is defined. If we let Δ(f)(p,q) = 0 otherwise, we still get a coproduct on A, but Δ(1) will no longer be the identity in A ⊗ A. The pair (A,Δ)...

Weak n -injective and weak n -fat modules

Umamaheswaran Arunachalam, Saravanan Raja, Selvaraj Chelliah, Joseph Kennedy Annadevasahaya Mani (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce and study the concepts of weak n -injective and weak n -flat modules in terms of super finitely presented modules whose projective dimension is at most n , which generalize the n -FP-injective and n -flat modules. We show that the class of all weak n -injective R -modules is injectively resolving, whereas that of weak n -flat right R -modules is projectively resolving and the class of weak n -injective (or weak n -flat) modules together with its left (or right) orthogonal class forms a hereditary...

Weak polynomial identities and their applications

Vesselin Drensky (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

Let R be an associative algebra over a field K generated by a vector subspace V . The polynomial f ( x 1 , ... , x n ) of the free associative algebra K x 1 , x 2 , ... is a weak polynomial identity for the pair ( R , V ) if it vanishes in R when evaluated on V . We survey results on weak polynomial identities and on their applications to polynomial identities and central polynomials of associative and close to them nonassociative algebras and on the finite basis problem. We also present results on weak polynomial identities of degree three....

Weak Polynomial Identities for M1,1(E)

Di Vincenzo, Onofrio, La Scala, Roberto (2001)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* Partially supported by Universita` di Bari: progetto “Strutture algebriche, geometriche e descrizione degli invarianti ad esse associate”.We compute the cocharacter sequence and generators of the ideal of the weak polynomial identities of the superalgebra M1,1 (E).

Currently displaying 3261 – 3280 of 3959