Displaying 21 – 40 of 139

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General sheaves over weighted projective lines

William Crawley-Boevey (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We develop a theory of general sheaves over weighted projective lines. We define and study a canonical decomposition, analogous to Kac's canonical decomposition for representations of quivers, study subsheaves of a general sheaf, general ranks of morphisms, and prove analogues of Schofield's results on general representations of quivers. Using these, we give a recursive algorithm for computing properties of general sheaves. Many of our results are proved in a more abstract setting, involving a hereditary...

Generalizations of coatomic modules

M. Koşan, Abdullah Harmanci (2005)

Open Mathematics

For a ring R and a right R-module M, a submodule N of M is said to be δ-small in M if, whenever N+X=M with M/X singular, we have X=M. Let ℘ be the class of all singular simple modules. Then δ(M)=Σ{ L≤ M| L is a δ-small submodule of M} = Re jm(℘)=∩{ N⊂ M: M/N∈℘. We call M δ-coatomic module whenever N≤ M and M/N=δ(M/N) then M/N=0. And R is called right (left) δ-coatomic ring if the right (left) R-module R R(RR) is δ-coatomic. In this note, we study δ-coatomic modules and ring. We prove M=⊕i=1n Mi...

Generalized canonical algebras and standard stable tubes

Andrzej Skowroński (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce a new wide class of finite-dimensional algebras which admit families of standard stable tubes (in the sense of Ringel [17]). In particular, we prove that there are many algebras of arbitrary nonzero (finite or infinite) global dimension whose Auslander-Reiten quivers admit faithful standard stable tubes.

Generalized derivations associated with Hochschild 2-cocycles on some algebras

Jiankui Li, Jiren Zhou (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate a new type of generalized derivations associated with Hochschild 2-cocycles which was introduced by A. Nakajima. We show that every generalized Jordan derivation of this type from CSL algebras or von Neumann algebras into themselves is a generalized derivation under some reasonable conditions. We also study generalized derivable mappings at zero point associated with Hochschild 2-cocycles on CSL algebras.

Generalized derivations on Lie ideals in prime rings

Basudeb Dhara, Sukhendu Kar, Sachhidananda Mondal (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a prime ring with its Utumi ring of quotients U and extended centroid C . Suppose that F is a generalized derivation of R and L is a noncentral Lie ideal of R such that F ( u ) [ F ( u ) , u ] n = 0 for all u L , where n 1 is a fixed integer. Then one of the following holds: ...

Generalized derivations with power values on rings and Banach algebras

Abderrahman Hermas, Abdellah Mamouni, Lahcen Oukhtite (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let R be a prime ring and I a nonzero ideal of R . The purpose of this paper is to classify generalized derivations of R satisfying some algebraic identities with power values on I . More precisely, we consider two generalized derivations F and H of R satisfying one of the following identities: ...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 139