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Relative theory in subcategories

Soud Khalifa Mohamed (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We generalize the relative (co)tilting theory of Auslander-Solberg in the category mod Λ of finitely generated left modules over an artin algebra Λ to certain subcategories of mod Λ. We then use the theory (relative (co)tilting theory in subcategories) to generalize one of the main result of Marcos et al. [Comm. Algebra 33 (2005)].

Relative weak derived functors

Panneerselvam Prabakaran (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be a ring, n a fixed non-negative integer, 𝒲 the class of all left R -modules with weak injective dimension at most n , and 𝒲 the class of all right R -modules with weak flat dimension at most n . Using left (right) 𝒲 -resolutions and the left derived functors of Hom we study the weak injective dimensions of modules and rings. Also we prove that - - is right balanced on R × R by 𝒲 × 𝒲 , and investigate the global right 𝒲 -dimension of R by right derived functors of .

Rings whose nonsingular right modules are R -projective

Yusuf Alagöz, Sinem Benli, Engin Büyükaşık (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A right R -module M is called R -projective provided that it is projective relative to the right R -module R R . This paper deals with the rings whose all nonsingular right modules are R -projective. For a right nonsingular ring R , we prove that R R is of finite Goldie rank and all nonsingular right R -modules are R -projective if and only if R is right finitely Σ - C S and flat right R -modules are R -projective. Then, R -projectivity of the class of nonsingular injective right modules is also considered. Over right...

Standardly stratified split and lower triangular algebras

Eduardo do N. Marcos, Hector A. Merklen, Corina Sáenz (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In the first part, we study algebras A such that A = R ⨿ I, where R is a subalgebra and I a two-sided nilpotent ideal. Under certain conditions on I, we show that A is standardly stratified if and only if R is standardly stratified. Next, for A = U 0 M V , we show that A is standardly stratified if and only if the algebra R = U × V is standardly stratified and V M is a good V-module.

Stratified modules over an extension algebra

Erzsébet Lukács, András Magyar (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A be a standard Koszul standardly stratified algebra and X an A -module. The paper investigates conditions which imply that the module Ext A * ( X ) over the Yoneda extension algebra A * is filtered by standard modules. In particular, we prove that the Yoneda extension algebra of A is also standardly stratified. This is a generalization of similar results on quasi-hereditary and on graded standardly stratified algebras.

Strong no-loop conjecture for algebras with two simples and radical cube zero

Bernt T. Jensen (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let Λ be an artinian ring and let 𝔯 denote its Jacobson radical. We show that a simple module of finite projective dimension has no self-extensions when Λ is graded by its radical, with at most two simple modules and 𝔯⁴ = 0, in particular, when Λ is a finite-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field with at most two simple modules and 𝔯³ = 0.

The general structure of inverse polynomial modules

Sangwon Park (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we compute injective, projective and flat dimensions of inverse polynomial modules as R [ x ] -modules. We also generalize Hom and Ext functors of inverse polynomial modules to any submonoid but we show Tor functor of inverse polynomial modules can be generalized only for a symmetric submonoid.

The periodicity conjecture for blocks of group algebras

Karin Erdmann, Andrzej Skowroński (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the representation-infinite blocks B of the group algebras KG of finite groups G over algebraically closed fields K for which all simple modules are periodic with respect to the action of the syzygy operators. In particular, we prove that all such blocks B are periodic algebras of period 4. This confirms the periodicity conjecture for blocks of group algebras.

The vanishing of self-extensions over n-symmetric algebras of quasitilted type

Maciej Karpicz, Marju Purin (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A ring Λ satisfies the Generalized Auslander-Reiten Condition ( ) if for each Λ-module M with E x t i ( M , M Λ ) = 0 for all i > n the projective dimension of M is at most n. We prove that this condition is satisfied by all n-symmetric algebras of quasitilted type.

Tilting slice modules over minimal 2-fundamental algebras

Zygmunt Pogorzały, Karolina Szmyt (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A class of finite-dimensional algebras whose Auslander-Reiten quivers have starting but not generalized standard components is investigated. For these components the slices whose slice modules are tilting are considered. Moreover, the endomorphism algebras of tilting slice modules are characterized.

Top-stable and layer-stable degenerations and hom-order

S. O. Smalø, A. Valenta (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using geometrical methods, Huisgen-Zimmermann showed that if M is a module with simple top, then M has no proper degeneration M < d e g N such that t M / t + 1 M t N / t + 1 N for all t. Given a module M with square-free top and a projective cover P, she showed that d i m k H o m ( M , M ) = d i m k H o m ( P , M ) if and only if M has no proper degeneration M < d e g N where M/M ≃ N/N. We prove here these results in a more general form, for hom-order instead of degeneration-order, and we prove them algebraically. The results of Huisgen-Zimmermann follow as consequences from our results....

Totally reflexive modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule

Zhen Zhang, Xiaosheng Zhu, Xiaoguang Yan (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S and R be two associative rings, let S C R be a semidualizing ( S , R ) -bimodule. We introduce and investigate properties of the totally reflexive module with respect to S C R and we give a characterization of the class of the totally C R -reflexive modules over any ring R . Moreover, we show that the totally C R -reflexive module with finite projective dimension is exactly the finitely generated projective right R -module. We then study the relations between the class of totally reflexive modules and the Bass class...

Wakamatsu tilting modules with finite injective dimension

Guoqiang Zhao, Lirong Yin (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a left Noetherian ring, S a right Noetherian ring and R ω a Wakamatsu tilting module with S = End ( R ω ) . We introduce the notion of the ω -torsionfree dimension of finitely generated R -modules and give some criteria for computing it. For any n 0 , we prove that l . id R ( ω ) = r . id S ( ω ) n if and only if every finitely generated left R -module and every finitely generated right S -module have ω -torsionfree dimension at most n , if and only if every finitely generated left R -module (or right S -module) has generalized Gorenstein dimension...

Weak dimensions and Gorenstein weak dimensions of group rings

Yueming Xiang (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K be a field, and let G be a group. In the present paper, we investigate when the group ring K [ G ] has finite weak dimension and finite Gorenstein weak dimension. We give some analogous versions of Serre’s theorem for the weak dimension and the Gorenstein weak dimension.

Weak n -injective and weak n -fat modules

Umamaheswaran Arunachalam, Saravanan Raja, Selvaraj Chelliah, Joseph Kennedy Annadevasahaya Mani (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce and study the concepts of weak n -injective and weak n -flat modules in terms of super finitely presented modules whose projective dimension is at most n , which generalize the n -FP-injective and n -flat modules. We show that the class of all weak n -injective R -modules is injectively resolving, whereas that of weak n -flat right R -modules is projectively resolving and the class of weak n -injective (or weak n -flat) modules together with its left (or right) orthogonal class forms a hereditary...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 82