Displaying 221 – 240 of 252

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On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras I

Kohji Matsumoto, Hirofumi Tsumura (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We define Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras 𝔰𝔩 ( n ) , ( n = 2 , 3 , ... ) of several complex variables, and prove the analytic continuation of them. These can be regarded as several variable generalizations of Witten zeta-functions defined by Zagier. In the case 𝔰𝔩 ( 4 ) , we determine the singularities of this function. Furthermore we prove certain functional relations among this function, the Mordell-Tornheim double zeta-functions and the Riemann zeta-function. Using these relations, we prove...

One-dimensional infinitesimal-birational duality through differential operators

Tomasz Maszczyk (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The structure of filtered algebras of Grothendieck's differential operators on a smooth fat point in a curve and graded Poisson algebras of their principal symbols is explicitly determined. A related infinitesimal-birational duality realized by a Springer type resolution of singularities and the Fourier transformation is presented. This algebro-geometrical duality is quantized in appropriate sense and its quantum origin is explained.

One-parameter contractions of Lie-Poisson brackets

Oksana Yakimova (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider contractions of Lie and Poisson algebras and the behaviour of their centres under contractions. A polynomial Poisson algebra 𝒜 = 𝕂 [ 𝔸 n ] is said to be of Kostant type, if its centre Z ( 𝒜 ) is freely generated by homogeneous polynomials F 1 , ... , F r such that they give Kostant’s regularity criterion on 𝔸 n ( d x F i are linear independent if and only if the Poisson tensor has the maximal rank at x ). If the initial Poisson algebra is of Kostant type and F i satisfy a certain degree-equality, then the contraction is also of Kostant...

One-parameter subgroups and the B-C-H formula

Wojciech Wojtyński (1994)

Studia Mathematica

An algebraic scheme for Lie theory of topological groups with "large" families of one-parameter subgroups is proposed. Such groups are quotients of "𝔼ℝ-groups", i.e. topological groups equipped additionally with the continuous exterior binary operation of multiplication by real numbers, and generated by special ("exponential") elements. It is proved that under natural conditions on the topology of an 𝔼ℝ-group its group multiplication is described by the B-C-H formula in terms of the associated...

One-sided division absolute valued algebras.

Ana Rodríguez Palacios (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We develop a structure theory for left divsion absolute valued algebras which shows, among other things, that the norm of such an algebra comes from an inner product. Moreover, we prove the existence of left division complete absolute valued algebras with left unit of arbitrary infinite hilbertian division and with the additional property that they have nonzero proper closed left ideals. Our construction involves results from the representation theory of the so called "Canonical Anticommutation...

Opérades différentielles graduées sur les simplexes et les permutoèdres

Frédéric Chapoton (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On définit plusieurs opérades différentielles graduées, dont certaines en relation avec des familles de polytopes : les simplexes et les permutoèdres. On obtient également une présentation de l’opérade K liée aux associaèdres introduite dans un article antérieur.

Operads for n -ary algebras – calculations and conjectures

Martin Markl, Elisabeth Remm (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

In [8] we studied Koszulity of a family t 𝒜 𝑠𝑠 d n of operads depending on a natural number n and on the degree d of the generating operation. While we proved that, for n 7 , the operad t 𝒜 𝑠𝑠 d n is Koszul if and only if d is even, and while it follows from [4] that t 𝒜 𝑠𝑠 d n is Koszul for d even and arbitrary n , the (non)Koszulity of t 𝒜 𝑠𝑠 d n for d odd and n 8 remains an open problem. In this note we describe some related numerical experiments, and formulate a conjecture suggested by the results of these computations.

Operads of decorated trees and their duals

Vsevolod Yu. Gubarev, Pavel S. Kolesnikov (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This is an extended version of a talk presented by the second author on the Third Mile High Conference on Nonassociative Mathematics (August 2013, Denver, CO). The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we would like to review the technique developed in a series of papers for various classes of di-algebras and show how the same ideas work for tri-algebras. Second, we present a general approach to the definition of pre- and post-algebras which turns out to be equivalent to the construction of dendriform...

Orbit functions.

Klimyk, Anatoliy, Patera, Jiri (2006)

SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications [electronic only]

Orbit measures, random matrix theory and interlaced determinantal processes

Manon Defosseux (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

A connection between representation of compact groups and some invariant ensembles of hermitian matrices is described. We focus on two types of invariant ensembles which extend the gaussian and the Laguerre Unitary ensembles. We study them using projections and convolutions of invariant probability measures on adjoint orbits of a compact Lie group. These measures are described by semiclassical approximation involving tensor and restriction multiplicities. We show that a large class of them are determinantal....

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 252