Displaying 641 – 660 of 2670

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Formes réelles des espaces préhomogènes irréductibles de type parabolique

Hubert Rubenthaler (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

La théorie de M. Sato et T. Shintani associe à toute forme réelle d’un espace préhomogène irréductible régulier dont le groupe est réductif, une fonction zêta qui vérifie une équation fonctionnelle remarquable. Dans cet article, nous classifions les formes réelles infinitésimales des espaces préhomogènes irréductibles de type parabolique. Cette classification est obtenue en termes de diagrammes de Satake à poids.

F-quasigroups and generalized modules

Tomáš Kepka, Michael K. Kinyon, Jon D. Phillips (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In Kepka T., Kinyon M.K., Phillips J.D., The structure of F-quasigroups, J. Algebra 317 (2007), 435–461, we showed that every F-quasigroup is linear over a special kind of Moufang loop called an NK-loop. Here we extend this relationship by showing an equivalence between the class of (pointed) F-quasigroups and the class corresponding to a certain notion of generalized module (with noncommutative, nonassociative addition) for an associative ring.

F-quasigroups isotopic to groups

Tomáš Kepka, Michael K. Kinyon, Jon D. Phillips (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In Kepka T., Kinyon M.K., Phillips J.D., The structure of F-quasigroups, math.GR/0510298, we showed that every loop isotopic to an F-quasigroup is a Moufang loop. Here we characterize, via two simple identities, the class of F-quasigroups which are isotopic to groups. We call these quasigroups FG-quasigroups. We show that FG-quasigroups are linear over groups. We then use this fact to describe their structure. This gives us, for instance, a complete description of the simple FG-quasigroups. Finally,...

Free associative algebras, noncommutative Gröbner bases, and universal associative envelopes for nonassociative structures

Murray R. Bremner (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

First, we provide an introduction to the theory and algorithms for noncommutative Gröbner bases for ideals in free associative algebras. Second, we explain how to construct universal associative envelopes for nonassociative structures defined by multilinear operations. Third, we extend the work of Elgendy (2012) for nonassociative structures on the 2-dimensional simple associative triple system to the 4- and 6-dimensional systems.

Free dynamical quantum groups and the dynamical quantum group S U Q d y n ( 2 )

Thomas Timmermann (2012)

Banach Center Publications

We introduce dynamical analogues of the free orthogonal and free unitary quantum groups, which are no longer Hopf algebras but Hopf algebroids or quantum groupoids. These objects are constructed on the purely algebraic level and on the level of universal C*-algebras. As an example, we recover the dynamical S U q ( 2 ) studied by Koelink and Rosengren, and construct a refinement that includes several interesting limit cases.

From double Lie groups to quantum groups

Piotr Stachura (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown, using geometric methods, that there is a C*-algebraic quantum group related to any double Lie group (also known as a matched pair of Lie groups or a bicrossproduct Lie group). An algebra underlying this quantum group is the algebra of a differential groupoid naturally associated with the double Lie group.

From Poisson algebras to Gerstenhaber algebras

Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Constructing an even Poisson algebra from a Gerstenhaber algebra by means of an odd derivation of square 0 is shown to be possible in the category of Loday algebras (algebras with a non-skew-symmetric bracket, generalizing the Lie algebras, heretofore called Leibniz algebras in the literature). Such “derived brackets” give rise to Lie brackets on certain quotient spaces, and also on certain Abelian subalgebras. The construction of these derived brackets explains the origin of the Lie bracket on...

Currently displaying 641 – 660 of 2670