Displaying 61 – 80 of 284

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Equivariant Morita equivalences between Podleś spheres

Kenny De Commer (2012)

Banach Center Publications

We show that the family of Podleś spheres is complete under equivariant Morita equivalence (with respect to the action of quantum SU(2)), and determine the associated orbits. We also give explicit formulas for the actions which are equivariantly Morita equivalent with the quantum projective plane. In both cases, the computations are made by examining the localized spectral decomposition of a generalized Casimir element.

Exponentiations over the quantum algebra U q ( s l 2 ( ) )

Sonia L’Innocente, Françoise Point, Carlo Toffalori (2013)

Confluentes Mathematici

We define and compare, by model-theoretical methods, some exponentiations over the quantum algebra U q ( s l 2 ( ) ) . We discuss two cases, according to whether the parameter q is a root of unity. We show that the universal enveloping algebra of s l 2 ( ) embeds in a non-principal ultraproduct of U q ( s l 2 ( ) ) , where q varies over the primitive roots of unity.

First order calculi with values in right-universal bimodules

Andrzej Borowiec, Vladislav Kharchenko, Zbigniew Oziewicz (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The purpose of this note is to show how calculi on unital associative algebra with universal right bimodule generalize previously studied constructions by Pusz and Woronowicz [1989] and by Wess and Zumino [1990] and that in this language results are in a natural context, are easier to describe and handle. As a by-product we obtain intrinsic, coordinate-free and basis-independent generalization of the first order noncommutative differential calculi with partial derivatives.

Free dynamical quantum groups and the dynamical quantum group S U Q d y n ( 2 )

Thomas Timmermann (2012)

Banach Center Publications

We introduce dynamical analogues of the free orthogonal and free unitary quantum groups, which are no longer Hopf algebras but Hopf algebroids or quantum groupoids. These objects are constructed on the purely algebraic level and on the level of universal C*-algebras. As an example, we recover the dynamical S U q ( 2 ) studied by Koelink and Rosengren, and construct a refinement that includes several interesting limit cases.

From double Lie groups to quantum groups

Piotr Stachura (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown, using geometric methods, that there is a C*-algebraic quantum group related to any double Lie group (also known as a matched pair of Lie groups or a bicrossproduct Lie group). An algebra underlying this quantum group is the algebra of a differential groupoid naturally associated with the double Lie group.

Generalized Hurwitz maps of the type S × V → W, anti-involutions, and quantum braided Clifford algebras

Julian Ławrynowicz, Jakub Rembieliński, Francesco Succi (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The notion of a J 3 -triple is studied in connection with a geometrical approach to the generalized Hurwitz problem for quadratic or bilinear forms. Some properties are obtained, generalizing those derived earlier by the present authors for the Hurwitz maps S × V → V. In particular, the dependence of each scalar product involved on the symmetry or antisymmetry is discussed as well as the configurations depending on various choices of the metric tensors of scalar products of the basis elements. Then...

Generic extensions of nilpotent k[T]-modules, monoids of partitions and constant terms of Hall polynomials

Justyna Kosakowska (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that the monoid of generic extensions of finite-dimensional nilpotent k[T]-modules is isomorphic to the monoid of partitions (with addition of partitions). This gives us a simple method for computing generic extensions, by addition of partitions. Moreover we give a combinatorial algorithm that calculates the constant terms of classical Hall polynomials.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 284