Special congruence triples for a regular semigroup.
We study the uniform classification of the unit spheres of general Banach sequence spaces. In particular, we obtain some interesting applications involving Property H introduced by Kasparov and Yu, and Banach expanders.
Let be a connected, reductive algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of zero or good and odd characteristic. We characterize spherical conjugacy classes in as those intersecting only Bruhat cells in corresponding to involutions in the Weyl group of .
We give a construction of an analytic series of uniformly bounded representations of a free group G, through the action of G on its Poisson boundary. These representations are irreducible and give as their coefficients all the spherical functions on G which tend to zero at infinity. The principal and the complementary series of unitary representations are included. We also prove that this construction and the other known constructions lead to equivalent representations.
Let be a local non-archimedean field. The set of all equivalence classes of irreducible spherical representations of is described in the first part of the paper. In particular, it is shown that each irreducible spherical representation is parabolically induced by an unramified character. Bernstein’s result on the irreducibility of the parabolically induced representations of by irreducible unitary ones, and Ol’shanskij’s construction of complementary series give directly a description of all...
Using the theory of spherical varieties, we give a type independent very short proof of Wahl’s conjecture for cominuscule homogeneous varieties for all primes different from 2.