Displaying 61 – 80 of 95

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Quasitrivial left distributive groupoids

Robert El Bashir, Aleš Drápal (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Left distributive quasitrivial groupoids are completely described and those of them which are subdirectly irreducible are found. There are also determined all left distributive algebras A = A ( * , ) such that A ( * ) is a quasitrivial groupoid.

Quelques questions d’approximation faible pour les tores algébriques

Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Venapally Suresh (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soient K un corps global, T un K -tore, S un ensemble fini de places de K . On note K v le complété de K en v S . Soit T ( K ) , resp. T ( K v ) , le groupe des points K -rationnels, resp. K v -rationnels, de T . Notons T ( O v ) T ( K v ) le sous-groupe compact maximal. Nous montrons que pour T et S convenables l’application T ( K ) v S T ( K v ) / T ( O v ) induite par l’application diagonale n’est pas surjective. Cela implique que pour v convenable le groupe T ( O v ) ne couvre pas forcément toutes les classes de R -équivalence de T ( K v ) . Lorsque K est un corps de fonctions d’une variable...

Quiver varieties and the character ring of general linear groups over finite fields

Emmanuel Letellier (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Given a tuple ( 𝒳 1 , ... , 𝒳 k ) of irreducible characters of G L n ( F q ) we define a star-shaped quiver Γ together with a dimension vector v . Assume that ( 𝒳 1 , ... , 𝒳 k ) is generic. Our first result is a formula which expresses the multiplicity of the trivial character in the tensor product 𝒳 1 𝒳 k as the trace of the action of some Weyl group on the intersection cohomology of some (non-affine) quiver varieties associated to ( Γ , v ) . The existence of such a quiver variety is subject to some condition. Assuming that this condition is satisfied, we...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 95