Displaying 161 – 180 of 836

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Séries de croissance et polynômes d'Ehrhart associés aux réseaux de racines

Roland Bacher, Pierre de La Harpe, Boris Venkov (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Étant donnés un système de racines R d’une des familles A, B, C, D, F, G et le groupe abélien libre qu’il engendre, on calcule explicitement la série de croissance de ce groupe relativement à R . Les résultats s’interprètent en termes du polynôme d’Ehrhart de l’enveloppe convexe de R .

Sets with two associative operations

Teimuraz Pirashvili (2003)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we consider duplexes, which are sets with two associative binary operations. Dimonoids in the sense of Loday are examples of duplexes. The set of all permutations carries a structure of a duplex. Our main result asserts that it is a free duplex with an explicitly described set of generators. The proof uses a construction of the free duplex with one generator by planary trees.

Several quantitative characterizations of some specific groups

A. Mohammadzadeh, Ali Reza Moghaddamfar (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be a finite group and let π ( G ) = { p 1 , p 2 , ... , p k } be the set of prime divisors of | G | for which p 1 < p 2 < < p k . The Gruenberg-Kegel graph of G , denoted GK ( G ) , is defined as follows: its vertex set is π ( G ) and two different vertices p i and p j are adjacent by an edge if and only if G contains an element of order p i p j . The degree of a vertex p i in GK ( G ) is denoted by d G ( p i ) and the k -tuple D ( G ) = ( d G ( p 1 ) , d G ( p 2 ) , ... , d G ( p k ) ) is said to be the degree pattern of G . Moreover, if ω π ( G ) is the vertex set of a connected component of GK ( G ) , then the largest ω -number which divides | G | , is said to be an...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 836