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S L 2 , the cubic and the quartic

Yannis Y. Papageorgiou (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We describe the branching rule from S p 4 to S L 2 , where the latter is embedded via its action on binary cubic forms. We obtain both a numerical multiplicity formula, as well as a minimal system of generators for the geometric realization of the rule.

Schémas en groupes et immeubles des groupes exceptionnels sur un corps local. Première partie : le groupe G 2

Wee Teck Gan, Jiu-Kang Yu (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous obtenons une version explicite de la théorie de Bruhat-Tits pour les groupes exceptionnels de type G 2 sur un corps local. Nous décrivons chaque construction concrètement en termes de réseaux : l’immeuble, les appartements, la structure simpliciale, les schémas en groupes associés. Les appendices traitent de l’analogie avec les espaces symétriques réels et des espaces symétriques associés à G 2 réel et complexe.

Schémas en groupes et immeubles des groupes exceptionnels sur un corps local. Deuxième partie : les groupes F 4 et E 6

Wee Teck Gan, Jiu-Kang Yu (2005)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Nous obtenons une version explicite de la théorie de Bruhat-Tits pour les groupes exceptionnels des type F 4 ou E 6 sur un corps local. Nous décrivons chaque construction concrètement en termes de réseaux : l’immeuble, les appartements, la structure simpliciale, les schémas en groupes associés.

Schwartz kernels on the Heisenberg group

Alessandro Veneruso (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let H n be the Heisenberg group of dimension 2 n + 1 . Let L 1 , , L n be the partial sub-Laplacians on H n and T the central element of the Lie algebra of H n . We prove that the kernel of the operator m L 1 , , L n , - i T is in the Schwartz space S H n if m S R n + 1 . We prove also that the kernel of the operator h L 1 , , L n is in S H n if h S R n and that the kernel of the operator g L , - i T is in S H n if g S R 2 . Here L = L 1 + + L n is the Kohn-Laplacian on H n .

Seeable matter; unseeable antimatter

Geoffrey Dixon (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The universe we see gives every sign of being composed of matter. This is considered a major unsolved problem in theoretical physics. Using the mathematical modeling based on the algebra 𝐓 : = 𝐂 𝐇 𝐎 , an interpretation is developed that suggests that this seeable universe is not the whole universe; there is an unseeable part of the universe composed of antimatter galaxies and stuff, and an extra 6 dimensions of space (also unseeable) linking the matter side to the antimatter—at the very least.

Semibounded Unitary Representations of Double Extensions of Hilbert–Loop Groups

K. H. Neeb (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A unitary representation π of a, possibly infinite dimensional, Lie group G is called semibounded if the corresponding operators i d π ( x ) from the derived representation are uniformly bounded from above on some non-empty open subset of the Lie algebra 𝔤 of G . We classify all irreducible semibounded representations of the groups ^ φ ( K ) which are double extensions of the twisted loop group φ ( K ) , where K is a simple Hilbert–Lie group (in the sense that the scalar product on its Lie algebra is invariant) and φ is...

Semigroup actions on tori and stationary measures on projective spaces

Yves Guivarc'h, Roman Urban (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let Γ be a subsemigroup of G = GL(d,ℝ), d > 1. We assume that the action of Γ on d is strongly irreducible and that Γ contains a proximal and quasi-expanding element. We describe contraction properties of the dynamics of Γ on d at infinity. This amounts to the consideration of the action of Γ on some compact homogeneous spaces of G, which are extensions of the projective space d - 1 . In the case where Γ is a subsemigroup of GL(d,ℝ) ∩ M(d,ℤ) and Γ has the above properties, we deduce that the Γ-orbits...

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