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Displaying 101 – 120 of 150

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Eulerian idempotent and Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture

Emily Burgunder (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

By using the interplay between the Eulerian idempotent and the Dynkin idempotent, we construct explicitly a particular symmetric solution ( F , G ) of the first equation of the Kashiwara-Vergne conjecture x + y - log ( e y e x ) = ( 1 - e - ad x ) F ( x , y ) + ( e ad y - 1 ) G ( x , y ) . Then, we explicit all the solutions of the equation in the completion of the free Lie algebra generated by two indeterminates x and y thanks to the kernel of the Dynkin idempotent.

Every reasonably sized matrix group is a subgroup of S ∞

Robert Kallman (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Every reasonably sized matrix group has an injective homomorphism into the group S of all bijections of the natural numbers. However, not every reasonably sized simple group has an injective homomorphism into S .

Example of a six-dimensional LCK solvmanifold

Hiroshi Sawai (2017)

Complex Manifolds

The purpose of this paper is to prove that there exists a lattice on a certain solvable Lie group and construct a six-dimensional locally conformal Kähler solvmanifold with non-parallel Lee form.

Exemples de feuilletages de Lie

Hamidou Dathe, Jean-François Quint (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nous donnons des exemples de feuilletages de Lie sur une variété compacte qui ne se déforment pas en des feuilletages de Lie à holonomie discrète.

Existence and construction of two-dimensional invariant subspaces for pairs of rotations

Ernst Dieterich (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

By a rotation in a Euclidean space V of even dimension we mean an orthogonal linear operator on V which is an orthogonal direct sum of rotations in 2-dimensional linear subspaces of V by a common angle α ∈ [0,π]. We present a criterion for the existence of a 2-dimensional subspace of V which is invariant under a given pair of rotations, in terms of the vanishing of a determinant associated with that pair. This criterion is constructive, whenever it is satisfied. It is also used to prove that every...

Existence de certaines connexions plates invariantes sur les groupes de Lie

Georges Giraud, A. Medina (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On donne une caractérisation des groupes de Lie qui admettent une connexion invariante à gauche sans courbure ni torsion et dont la forme de connexion est à valeurs dans l’algèbre adjointe. On fait le lien entre cette question et le problème de platitude de certaines G -structures invariantes à gauche sur les groupes de Lie.

Existence of infinite-dimensional Lie algebra for a unitary group on a Hilbert space and related aspects

Hiroshi Ando, Yasumichi Matsuzawa (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We show that for any strongly closed subgroup of a unitary group of a finite von Neumann algebra, there exists a canonical Lie algebra which is complete with respect to the strong resolvent topology. Our analysis is based on the comparison between measure topology induced by the tracial state and the strong resolvent topology we define on the particular space of closed operators on the Hilbert space. This is an expository article of the paper by both authors in Hokkaido Math. J. 41 (2012), 31-99,...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 150