Displaying 81 – 100 of 178

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Lipschitz sums of convex functions

Marianna Csörnyei, Assaf Naor (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We give a geometric characterization of the convex subsets of a Banach space with the property that for any two convex continuous functions on this set, if their sum is Lipschitz, then the functions must be Lipschitz. We apply this result to the theory of Δ-convex functions.

Lower semicontinuity of multiple μ -quasiconvex integrals

Ilaria Fragalà (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Lower semicontinuity results are obtained for multiple integrals of the kind n f ( x , μ u ) d μ , where μ is a given positive measure on n , and the vector-valued function u belongs to the Sobolev space H μ 1 , p ( n , m ) associated with μ . The proofs are essentially based on blow-up techniques, and a significant role is played therein by the concepts of tangent space and of tangent measures to μ . More precisely, for fully general μ , a notion of quasiconvexity for f along the tangent bundle to μ , turns out to be necessary for lower...

Lower semicontinuity of multiple µ-quasiconvex integrals

Ilaria Fragalà (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Lower semicontinuity results are obtained for multiple integrals of the kind n f ( x , μ u ) d μ , where μ is a given positive measure on n , and the vector-valued function u belongs to the Sobolev space H μ 1 , p ( n , m ) associated with μ. The proofs are essentially based on blow-up techniques, and a significant role is played therein by the concepts of tangent space and of tangent measures to μ. More precisely, for fully general μ, a notion of quasiconvexity for f along the tangent bundle to μ, turns out to be necessary for lower...

Modified log-Sobolev inequalities for convex functions on the real line. Sufficient conditions

Radosław Adamczak, Michał Strzelecki (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We provide a mild sufficient condition for a probability measure on the real line to satisfy a modified log-Sobolev inequality for convex functions, interpolating between the classical log-Sobolev inequality and a Bobkov-Ledoux type inequality. As a consequence we obtain dimension-free two-level concentration results for convex functions of independent random variables with sufficiently regular tail decay. We also provide a link between modified log-Sobolev inequalities...

Monotone Valuations on the Space of Convex Functions

L. Cavallina, A. Colesanti (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We consider the space Cn of convex functions u defined in Rn with values in R ∪ {∞}, which are lower semi-continuous and such that lim|x| } ∞ u(x) = ∞. We study the valuations defined on Cn which are invariant under the composition with rigid motions, monotone and verify a certain type of continuity. We prove integral representations formulas for such valuations which are, in addition, simple or homogeneous.

New variants of Khintchine's inequality.

Ioan Serb (2001)

Collectanea Mathematica

Variants of Khintchine's inequality with coefficients depending on the vector dimension are proved. Equality is attained for different types of extremal vectors. The Schur convexity of certain attached functions and direct estimates in terms of the Haagerup type of functions are also used.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 178