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The angular distribution of mass by Bergman functions.

Donald E. Marshall, Wayne Smith (1999)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Let D = {z: |z| < 1} be the unit disk in the complex plane and denote by dA two-dimensional Lebesgue measure on D. For ε > 0 we define Σε = {z: |arg z| < ε}. We prove that for every ε > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that if f is analytic, univalent and area-integrable on D, and f(0) = 0 thenThis problem arose in connection with a characterization by Hamilton, Reich and Strebel of extremal dilatation for quasiconformal homeomorphisms of D.

The area formula for W 1 , n -mappings

Jan Malý (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let f be a mapping in the Sobolev space W 1 , n ( Ω , 𝐑 n ) . Then the change of variables, or area formula holds for f provided removing from counting into the multiplicity function the set where f is not approximately Hölder continuous. This exceptional set has Hausdorff dimension zero.

The Berezin transform and operators on spaces of analytic functions

Karel Stroethoff (1997)

Banach Center Publications

In this article we will illustrate how the Berezin transform (or symbol) can be used to study classes of operators on certain spaces of analytic functions, such as the Hardy space, the Bergman space and the Fock space. The article is organized according to the following outline. 1. Spaces of analytic functions 2. Definition and properties Berezin transform 3. Berezin transform and non-compact operators 4. Commutativity of Toeplitz operators 5. Berezin transform and Hankel or Toeplitz operators 6....

The Bohr inequality for ordinary Dirichlet series

R. Balasubramanian, B. Calado, H. Queffélec (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We extend to the setting of Dirichlet series previous results of H. Bohr for Taylor series in one variable, themselves generalized by V. I. Paulsen, G. Popescu and D. Singh or extended to several variables by L. Aizenberg, R. P. Boas and D. Khavinson. We show in particular that, if f ( s ) = n = 1 a n - s with | | f | | : = s u p s > 0 | f ( s ) | < , then n = 1 | a | n - 2 | | f | | and even slightly better, and n = 1 | a | n - 1 / 2 C | | f | | , C being an absolute constant.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 366